Chapter 5: The Decision

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Spencer's POV

Toby just dropped me off. It has been a crazyyyy night but i've got the feeling that it's not over.
I've basically got two hours to decide my entire love life future. I don't know what to do, i'm so lost. Hopefully, Jake is still asleep. Gosh i love him so much, or maybe it's just an illusion. Maybe all of my current relationship is just, something i put up together to get over Toby.
No, it can't be, I'm not that kind of girl who manipulates a guy just to get over another one. 

I really have to think this trough, i have to listen to my heart and make the right decision. Not the easiest one, the right one.

I sit on the couch silently and think. My relationship with Jake has been nothing but perfect. From our first date to our engagement, from our first kiss to our last, my life is just so... simple and easy now. He always supports me, stands by me... *I start looking at some pictures of us on my phone* We've traveled through Europe together, it was so romantic. *sights*

Toby is... the greatest human being I've ever met, but is he the one for me? He used to be, but after all those years. Is he still? *Still silently, i go and find my box, my Toby box* I have some old "Toby stuff "on my high school box but, the Toby box is like, every memories, pictures, shirts that i have left from our relationship. As i look at this stuff, everything is coming back to me as if it was yesterday. The scrabble board, November 6th 2010

"Top or bottom?" "To be honest, it was really fun to kick your ass at scrabble" followed by our first kiss. It wasn't much, but, i don't know. My first kiss with Jake was at the end of a romantic evening in London but, it did not feel the same.

The first picture of his truck. "I love you so much" " Hey! I wanted to say that first"                             My black hoodie... This time of my life was just, the worst. I ended up at Radley, but, when Mona asked me to help her, i never felt more alive. When i saw him at this dinner, my heart was finally beating again. "You let me believe that you were dead?!" "Everything I've done, was so I could protect you" "I want to believe that" "What we had was real, I've been pretending to work with Mona so i can keep you safe" *I hold it tight and a tear is running down my cheek*

I look at every picture carefully, it feels good but, i feel guilty. I just can't leave Jake like this. I can't run away and leave a "i'm sorry" note on the table. I just stay here, holding an old shirt of him. One hour has past and i think I've made my decision. I just can't. I jus-

- Spencer?

- Oh, you're awake.. I say surprisingly

-What is all this? Why is "Toby" written on this box?

- It's... Nothing, just old stuff. I was going to throw this away. Go back to bed i'm coming. I say nervously. He comes closer and look into the box.

-Spencer?! Were you two dating? What the fuck? Why didn't you tell me this ?

-Yes but, listen, it's over, we broke up many years ago. I'm with you now, i'm you fiancee and happy to be. I smile

- Did something happen?

- What?

-Did something happen recently  between you two? Why would you be going through all of this stuff if nothing happened since it's over?

- No i promise nothing hap-. No, it's a lie, listen, a few weeks ago, we had a "moment". I knew things were going to end up badly for both of us so i ended our friendship. I ended it because, i will always have feelings for him, even if I don't want to. I want to be with you and the only way i can be is to get rid of everything that is making me think about him. I know it might sound weird and confusing but, you are the man that I love and that I want to spend to rest of my life with, believe me.

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now