Last chapter: An Unusual Wedding

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Italic means flashbacks
Year 2030/ November 6th /General POV

- Come on Spencer!
- Hanna, we're not 12 anymore! Spencer chuckles

- Hanna's right, we kind of deserve this too. Aria continues

Spencer makes her shocked face
- How is that something YOU gals deserve? It concerns me more than you. She laughs while taking a zip.

- Come on, you and Toby got to be at ours and we never saw yours! That's not fair, we have to see yours guys!
Em' Adds

- It happened 10 years ago guys, it's too late to do it now.

- It would so romantic Spence! Come on!! Small reception and stuff, so cute!
Hanna exclaims

- We'll think about it Han' now Stop getting all exited for nothing k? Your girl is going to freak out 😂
They did think about it, and they decided to do it. It was kind of stupid after all, i mean, actually celebrate their marriage 10 years after, but they were happy to do so.
A fall wedding, who would have thought? Spencer and Toby always imagined getting married in winter like they did, but the date was so perfect they couldn't do otherwise.

They didn't want a really big wedding, so they only invited people they knew well. That includes their family, close friends and people from high school who used to be jerk but became actually nice.
They rent the same thing Hanna and Caleb rent for their engagement party, it meant a lot.

Spencer and Toby are an unique and special couple, and so should be their wedding.
The reception is starting in one hour and everyone is getting ready.
Spencer has her wedding dress on and everything is perfect. Hanna did her hair while Aria and Alison took care of the makeup, the result was breathe taking. About 30 minutes before it starts, Spencer suddenly tells the girls
- Ok now you should go and wait for Toby and I. Emily is on her way too don't worry.

- Hum Spencer, you can't drive while wearing this you know that ?

- I have a taxi scheduled already. Don't worry, it's just that i have to pick up something first.

- Ok then, but don't mess up your hair okay? Hanna jokes.

The three of them leave and Spencer starts FaceTiming Toby
"Hey Spence. Did they leave already ?
" Yes, we have to be there in 30' we'll better hurry"
"Hun, too bad you're only wearing this for 5 min, you look good in this dress"
" Aren't you an angel? Anyway, you got the bags ?"
" Right here *he shows 2 plastic bags with clothes in it*"
"Okay, meet you in 5 then we'll go together"
"Perfect, can't wait to see their faces"
Everyone is waiting for Spencer and Toby to arrive. The room isn't set like At the engagement party, there are just chairs for every guest and a stage where Spencer and Toby are suppose to get married "again".
They're already 10 minutes late and Hanna starts worrying. To fill the silence, Grace (who's now 16) goes up on the stage

- Okay so, i don't know where those two are but, i'm gonna say something anyway.
I know that their relationship had their ups and downs and that's probably why you're all here to see them get married, even though they already are.
And for that too, thank you aunt Hanna *she laughs a bit*
For those who don't know who I am, i'm Grace, Grace Slidon. Or so i used to be. See, about 10 years ago, my parents got killed in a shooting. I was only 5 and i was about to go to a foster home. But those two persons who barely knew me, offered me a home. Sure, we had a few problems Thank you A.D *a few people laugh and so she does* but, they never gave up, they always did everything to protect me, even if that meant not to live with me for a while (referring to Spencer's break down in chapters 15-16) .
For the ten years that i've known them, they always did their best for me to be happy and, they succeeded for sure.
I loved and still love my biological parents and I hope they've seen what I've become, from up there *tears are in her eyes* and that they realize what amazing people raised me after them.
I don't know if Spencer or Toby know this but, even though i don't call them Mom or Dad all the time, i consider myself as Grace Slidon- Cavanaugh.
I love them very much and they deserve all the happiness in the world *she wipes her tears a bit*

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