Chapter 14: A.D and misery

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- I can't believe it... Hanna responds in chock

- I know... A.D is back, and he's coming for every one of us. I say

- But, how did it get inside? How did he left this "note"

- I don't know, A.D is unpredictable, especially when you think it's over.

- Do you think it was watching you all along ? Waiting for you two to go and act??

- I... I don't want to know Hanna. Just be careful please. Warn the others and i'll get back to you. We have some stuff to take care off with Toby.

- No problem and Spence? If you ever need anything just ask..

- Could- Could you take Grace, for a while? Just so we can talk about our financial problems with Toby? I don't want her to worry.

- *she hugs her* Anything. You know i'm here, we all are.

They were, but we all know that AD is stronger than them.


Spencer's POV

Here we are, standing is a crappy hotel room because we can't afford anything else, no jobs and no home to come to.
We have to have this discussion but i don't feel it, what if it tear us apart again? I sit on the bed and he does the same.

- So, how are we gonna get through this ? We can't stay here and leave Grace at Hanna's forever.

- I could find a cheap job in Rosewood, just for a while.So you can keep studying and pass your degree.

- I can't let you do this! You want to build things, you love being a carpenter. You won't find anything here Tob's...

- Spence, i won't let you give up on psychology when there are other options...

- There aren't any Toby! I can't be the reason you hate your job. *tears in my eyes*

- Actually, there are... I think there is one.

- What do you mean??

- Remember when we were in France, i was drawing our dream house on some piece of paper every night. When we were at this art gallery and i started talking to this guy who owns a firm and he loved my plans.

- Yes i remember, what about him?

- He offered me a job back then, i turned him down so he left me his number in case.

- No, nonono i can't let you go an ocean away! We'll go with you, we'll find something we ca-

- It pays well, if i work there two or three months we'll have enough money  for a while. You could keep studying and i could find a job here again. 

I feel my heart breaking at this moment, i can't let him leave. Long distance doesn't work, i won't survive this.

*i start crying*
- I can't live without you around Toby, it's too hard. What if we divorce because of this, what if you find someone else in France.

- Spencer, come here *he open his arms, and I get into them*

- Spencer, come here *he open his arms, and I get into them*

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Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now