Chapter 16: Pictures & Pills

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Ok so sorry for the incoherences in the dates, if you see really big ones just tell me i'll change them :) have fun
Spencer's POV

Should i really read this ?
He told me to go in here, so here i go.
I take one sheet of paper randomly on the box labeled " September 2019" and start reading.
" September 24th, 2019.
I met a girl today. Her name is Yvonne. We got some coffee and i invited her for dinner tomorrow. She looks like you but she's not as beautiful. She's smart, but you were smarter. She seems great but nothing compared to you Spence.
I try to move on, i really do, but i only see you. Why did you leave me ? Why did i leave you.
We broke up so stupidly i can't remember who walked away first.
Gosh i wish you were here, with me. "

I read another one.
" November 13th 2019
Today was a "big day" or so they said.
I proposed to Yvonne. We haven't been dating for a long time but, i guess it's the right thing. I like her, she likes me. It's not like you are coming back anyway.
It's funny how love works. When we were still an us, i had this big proposal planned. I wasn't actually planning it but i always king of knew how i would propose to you. With Yvonne it was... complicated. I just got down on one knee at a fancy restaurant and everyone was happy. I am happy, i think i am. Yeah, i am happy. But i would be happier if you were here..."

There was like, an infinity of letters. Unsent letters. All to me. From the day we broke up, to the day we got back together, he wrote a letter everyday. To me.
He was still thinking about me all of this time. Even after i hurt him, even after i broke his heart he was still caring.

I start crying on the pile of letters. I can't believe i've doubted even for a second. No matter where i am, he'll always think about me, he'll always care.
Oh my god it's 4.35 already.
I take a few letters, run outside and close the big gate.
I arrive to the brew right on time. I enter to the bar and everyone is looking at me weirdly.
"Seriously? You have nothing better to do ? " i yell
" I don't have the right to walk around on a bathrobe with no makeup on and my hair like this ? "
Before anyone can answers the bartender asks me a question
"Are you Spencer Hastings ? "
I nod
"Someone delivered this for you"
"Who was it? " i ask nervously
" He was wearing a mask and said to give you this as "A.D" "
"Are you sure it's a "he"? "
"The voice was deep. That's all i can say"
"Thank you for you time"

I take the package and read
"Don't open up until you're at home. Do as i say Bitch"
Guess i have no choice anyway.
Toby's POV (same moment)

"Cavanaugh! A package for you!"
Really ? Spencer must have sent me something!!
I run like a little kid to the postman and thank him.
I'm at work but i guess i could open it now.
It's a very big box but very light.
There's nothing inside, actually, there is. There is a picture.

 There is a picture

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Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now