Chapter 20: Worst day of their lives

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WARNING!! ❗️❗️❗️
Ok so, i tried something new for this chapter and i really don't know if it's a good idea or not. I don't know if it's well written but either way, it's not for everybody. If you are like, sensitive (like for curse words or sex) don't read this chapter. Don't say i didn't warn you.

Toby's POV (it's like 7.30 AM now)

I wake up alone, in a very large white room. I don't know if it's completely white or if the sun is shining a lot outside but either way, my eyes cannot handle this right now. I don't have any clothes on, which is kind of disturbing and Spencer and Hanna are missing. Or maybe I am the one missing? I don't know but i should get out of here.
Wait, is this a camera ?
" What are you doing you freak ?! Let me out of here! Where are the girls?! " i yell. But nothing happens. Not a note, nothing.
Shit, we should have never come, everything is my fault now....
I sit on the edge and wait for something to happen.
" Can I at least get some clothes ? A pants ? "

Spencer's POV
Can this even be real ?
- Wren ? We both say in sync
- The one and only. He answers
We both stay speechless so he keeps going
- I gotta say, they did a pretty good job, i did not expected you in that kind of clothing. How's the baby Hanna?

Who's "they"?
We realize that we're still naked and cover ourselves with some cushions around.
- Oh gosh, Spencer, Hanna... I've kissed you both i think i can see a boob or two for a sec

- Why are you here Wren ? I ask angrily.
Are you the one between all this? Are you A.D?

- Come on girlssss, you just got here. Please make yourself confortable and-

- Cut the crap and answer the damn questions! Hanna continues

- Okok, if you don't want to be nice i'll just get right to the point *he raises his eyes in a bored way*
I want you.

We raise our eyebrows, surprised
- You, want us?

- Ever since i've met you Spencer, I've been obsessed with you. But i never got you because of... HIM! He points a TV screen
- OMG Toby? Is he okay? Where is he ? Please don't hurt him! I yell
- Don't worry, he's fine... For now

- Wow. Hanna mouths
- Really Han'
- Sorry sorry.

- Anyway, because of him, i never got any way to your heart. When you moved away i gave up, but when i learned that you came back i just, went crazy. Now i can have you if i want!
I just have to get rid of him

- If you touch him i swear i will kill you.

- What about me ? What Am I doing here ? Hanna asks

- Honestly? If wasn't part of the plan. I knew Spencer would come with him but you? I had no clue. I'll find a way to make you useful at some point i guess...

The others (Aria, Ezra, Grace, Caleb, Alison and Emily) 's POV around 8 am.

- Guys, Emily says. I know i said we shouldn't worry etc but i feel like this isn't good. If Spencer wrote the address it's because she knew something was wrong. She plans ahead but not THAT ahead...

- Why don't we just call them ? Grace says in her cute voice.
If they don't answer something must be wrong.

- Yep, let's do this it's simple. Aria picks up her phone
Spencer, straight to voicemail
"Maybe she was low battery"
Hanna. Two rings then voicemail
"Ok, weird"
Toby, oh it's picking up.
"I hear some breathes. Toby? Man is there anyth-" and it hangs up.

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