Chapter 6: Detective Hanna

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4 weeks after they ran away. (Lots of things have happened in Rosewood, and in their lives, but we'll get to that ;)

Toby's POV

Spencer is asleep, her head on my knees. I can't believe that in 2 hours we'll be in Rosewood again. When we left, we just started a new life, we sold our stuff, threw our phones away. We don't even have a car anymore, someone stole my truck when we were out there... We come back with empty hands but i could not be more happier. I'm kind of stressed though, I mean, we acted like childrens, people probably won't forgive us. I don't even know where we are going to live once we arrive. I mean, does Jake still live in their (old) house? And did Yvonne stayed after I left? Maybe we should go to an hotel just for sure.
We'll figure something out, who knows, maybe they didn't even notice we were away.
*Spencer wakes up slowly*

- *moans* Are we there already ?
- No, don't worry for back to sleep. I say as i kiss her on the forehead

I just remembered why everything that is going to happen is totally worth it. I just love her so much.

Three and a half hour later (still Toby's POV)

We arrive to the lost wood resort and it's kind of late so we just lay on the bed, talking, and the subject rapidly changes into "what are we gonna do out there".

- I think we should just apologize and tell them the truth. It's only fair. I say

- I don't know Toby,we don't know what happened, we don't even know if we have a house to live in.

- How about we, go separately see one of them, see what happened when we were gone and text each other to say whether we want to tell them or not??? Like, you'll go see Hanna and i'll talk to Caleb. I know they live in the same place now but, if you take Hanna to the Brew a few minutes before i come, they won't realize a thing.

- *she smiles* Awwww, you always know what to do. You are amazing you know that??

- I know now :) *I kiss her* Guess we should get some sleep now. Everything is going to be okay i promise. *I turn off the lights* Goodnight wifey

- Goodnight husband

I like this, her calling me her husband

Next day around 1 pm

Hanna's POV

- Hanna!!!! Someone's at the door for you *Caleb says weirdly*

- Tell'em I can't right now, I need some sleep!!! *And i put my head back into the pillow*

- Hanna honey, you definitely want to receive this person!

- Ok *i groan* This better be worth it. / I get up slowly and put on old jean and a dirty shirt. I run downstairs and to the door, Caleb is talking to the person.

-What is that important? I really need some sleep and you know th- / No way! Is this

-Spencer? i say. What are you doing here? Where were you?! I yell

- I. I can come back later. If you're tired...

-No no come in!

- I really think we should go to the Brew. *she insists* I need to talk to you in private. No offense Caleb.

- None taken. He answers. I'll probably know everything in a few hour anyway

That's weird, why would she insists like this? She knows Caleb is going to know anyway. Meh, better do as she says or I'll never know what happened

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now