Chapter 18: Police or Secrets ?

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The next morning, everyone was at Aria & Ezra's, it was weird for everyone to live like this but they got used to it pretty fast. "It was like a summer camp" Hanna would say.
After a few days, Grace still didn't know for sure what was happening, one morning, she was sick of it and asked.

Grace's POV
So annoying, why won't they tell me anything. They know i know something is up but they just keep pretending we are all living together just for "fun". Enough is enough...
- Spencer...

- Yes honey *she says while taking a zip or her coffee*

- Why are we all here ?

- *she freezes* We told you, we thought it would be kind of fun to live like this for a whi-

- Come on Miss Spencer, i'm not stupid i know something is up. I talked to aunt Aria the other day.

- Spence... *Toby interrupts*
She's right, she should know exactly what is happening. She has to know if we want to protect her.

- But Toby, remember ? Every single on of the persons i've told when i was 17 got hurt, you included!

- Spencer you know that hiding it never did ANY GOOD *he raises his voice

From this, they started a huge fight.
I didn't want this, i don't want them to fight because of me. That's horrible, now it's like they forgot about me, they continued for 3 minutes intil Emily storms in

"WOWOWO GUYS! What's going on ?! Don't you know it's inappropriate to fight in front of your kid?! Geez!
Come here Grace *she hands me her hand and take me out of the room* "

I have a few tears in my eyes.
- I'm sorry, it's my fault. I say
- Nonono, it's never your fault Grace *she hugs me*
- Yes it is, everything was okay and then i asked about what was going on. From this Toby started yelling and so did Spencer.
- Aww Gracie. I promise you, nothing that is happening is your fault. Spencer and Toby are just having a hard time right now. They'll tell you once they are ready...
- Why can't you tell me ? Or anyone of you?
- No our job. Our job is to make you happy and to make you think we're wayyyy more fun than your parents *she chuckles*
- I guess so... I say, disappointed
- I know what'll cheer you up. Would you like to bake a huge chocolate cake with everyone ?
* I smile to answer* gosh do i love chocolate
But they won't get away with this, i'll figure out what is happening.
Spencer's POV (same time)
- See what you did? Now Grace probably has more and more questions on her mind!!

- That's why we should tell her! Damn It Spencer you're smart and you know it's the best thing to do right now!

- No it's not! No it's not Toby! A. Ruined my teenage life! She's only 6 and does NOT have to get through what we've been through, all of us!!

- She feels left out!!! She listens to us now but one day, and soon, she's going to disobey us and A.D will hurt her! Please understand this!

- I can't Toby! I just Can't understand your Point of View right now !! In what world a 6 year old should know about a crazy stalker!

- Spencer did you forget about everything?! You're smart enough to remember that EVERY TIME you hid something from me, -or anyone else for that matter- it went wrong afterwards! Please get your crap together and think!

I sit on the bed and start crying. He went too far. I know what i've been through, he knows it's hard for me to realize that it's starting up again.. He realizes himself that he went to far and sit on the bed with me.

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now