Chapter 12: Don't Let Go

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Spencer's POV

I wake up in a weird place. Everything is blue, a very light blue like the sky on a summer afternoon. Looks like I'm in my room but i don't see anyone. How did I get here anyway?
"Hello?" I yell "Is anyone here? Mom? Toby? Aria? "
- No one will hear you, they're not in the same world.  / A feminine voice replies.

- Who is talking ? Where Am I? I ask, kind of confused

- You're in a place that you love, i thought it would be good to make you appear here to let you know the news...

- What news? As I say this, someone I haven't seen in a really long time appears

- M- Maya? Is that you??

- The one and only.

- So, you aren't dead? She doesn't respond
Am I dead?

- Not totally.

- Ok i don't understand. You are dead, i'm not and I see you anyway even though I haven't thought about you for like 10 years (no offense).

- If you really want to know, you're kind of in between. You're in the phase where you have to choose either to fight, or to let go.

- I want to fight obviously, i will never let go.

- Then why did you throw yourself in front of Caleb then?

- To protect them, I don't want my friends to get hurt. It's normal.

- Did you really?

- What are you trying to say?

- Spencer, i've been watching all of you guys and, you've been pretty depressed for weeks now.

- But, But, i wouldn't commit suicide. I was in a bad place, Toby was in a coma, it was really hard for me.

- That's what I'm asking you. Are you sure you just didn't want to release the pressure because you were afraid to go through this once again?

- Toby is out of the hospital. He is okay, he remembers everything and we're happy now.

- Is he though?

- Wait. What are you trying to tell me?

- Don't you think a little part of you was afraid of Toby being shot ?

- Is he hurt? Did someone shot him? Is he okay?!

- I don't know, it's your brain... Do YOU think he's okay?

- I, I don't know but either ways, i have to be there for him. I can't leave him.

- You know, sometimes, death is good. Death is pain free. Once you're dead, you just feel free.

- How can I go back? I ask her
Maya ? MAYA?!!! She disappeared, she just fade away...

I try to open the door, i'm stuck in my room. Why did she left me there, all alone. Maybe i should let go. I mean, every-time i do something someone ends up getting hurt. Look at Toby... He wouldn't have been in a coma if I haven't told Jake in the first place. I destroy everything i touch and everyone i love anyway
And why did Maya appear? I mean, i like her but, she's not the first per-
"Because she's dead"
Hey, who's talking now?

"She's the only person you know who's really dead"
Wait, is it-

"Toby? What are you here? Are you dead?"

" No I'm not, it's just that I'm the only person you listen to"

"True. But what are you suppose to tell me?"

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now