Chapter 4: the Fight

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Okay so again, i'm going to make a parallel. Imagine Toby on one side of your "mind screen" and Spencer on the other.

Three days earlier
Situation: they were doing some cleaning and they found their high-school box (Spencer moved it from the place it already was because she didn't want Jake to see it). They re in their room, looking at the all the stuff.
You can see them unpacking it in your "screen"

They find some old pictures of the gang, some old notebooks and, souvenirs... Spoby souvenirs. A few photos, clothes and, gifts. The "S" necklace and the pocket watch.
A tear is running down their cheeks. They take the gift in their hand, lay down and just stay there for hours, thinking and crying a bit.
T/ I was her once upon a time, now i'm just her neighbor...
S/ We used to do everything to protect each other, now, we cannot even look into each other's eyes...
BoThem/ What have I done ?

Spencer's POV

This really has to stop, i have to find him.
I go back inside and walk like nothing is happening. I go see Emily and ask her where Toby is
- Hummm, i think I saw him run into the room right over there
Okay so maybe it's not too late to fix things up.
- Thank you. I say very quickly. She yells something behind me but i don't hear it.

Okay, i don't know if it's a good idea but I can't, i can't get engaged without talking to my best friend about it. How can he do this? How can he act like this? I want to know what's going on! He has no right to look at me like he did, then run away without saying anything.
I open the door, i see that he's here, i lock it and yell
- Why?!

- Why what? He answers. He's kind of red, look like he has been crying or something.

- Why do you act like you do?! How can I get married if you act like this. I can't, it's too much so tell me. Why are you doing this?

- You perfectly know why! He starts yelling too


- You decided this! Four weeks ago you said you hated me, that we couldn't see each other, that it was too hard. This is your fault!

- How is this MY fault?! You're the one that leaned in !

- WHAT? When?

- When we baked the fucking cookies! We fell and you leaned in!

- You leaned in first! And even if i did, it didn't mean anything, it was just the heat of the moment, could have happened to anybody!
Geez Spence'!

- Oh REALLY? I insists on the "really"

- Really what?

- What about tonight then?! The moment i arrive you run away! You won't talk to me for an hour and then you look at me!

-Of course i look at you! You were like in front of me i couldn't not look at you!

- Don't play dumb, not with me, i know too much about you. You were looking at me.
Why Were you looking at me ? Why Toby why?

- BECAUSE OF THIS *he pulls out something of his pocket* Oh my... it's the pocket watch... I didn't know he kept this.
- *he calms down* Because of this Spencer... A few days ago I unpacked some old stuff and i found it. It brought back so many memories. You were the first one supporting me...

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now