Chapter 10: Limerence

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(A/N: if you see some lines in italic, it means that it's a flashback)

Grace's POV

I see Miss Spencer is in the lobby, she just stormed out of Toby's room, crying. My parents are away, maybe i should go comfort her...

- Miss Spencer? What is happening? Why was Toby yelling? I ask innocently

- It's grown up stuff, you don't want to hear this... She tries to stop crying.

- I don't like to see you cry... Please tell me.

- Ok then *she wipes her tears with her sleeve*. You know when sometimes you forget what you did the day before or what you ate a few days ago?

- Yes, happens to me a lot.

- Well, the doctors told me that Toby forgot the last 6 months of his life... He doesn't know who I am to him. He doesn't see me the way i see him.

- But, in the pictures on the wall, you're kissing and you're in highschool. Why doesn't he sees you like this, you've been in love for sooo long.

- You know, Love is a weird thing, and for a while, Toby and I didn,'t love each other, or at least, didn't show it. And his memory is at the moment of his life.

- What do you mean? Does he hate you? And who  is this girl he kept asking for?
She starts telling me what happened to them 6 months ago. I don't understand the whole thing but i think they hated each other but loved each other secretly back then. It's so unfair, Miss Spencer stayed here non stop for the last three months and just yell at her. I wish i could help but he doesn't know me, and i'm just a random kid at the hospital.

"GRACEEEE, come here we have good news!!!" I hear my mother yell. I hug miss Spencer and go back to my room.

" Gracie honey! The doctor has good news for you"

- We finally got you a liver, we can operate on you tomorrow if that's okay with you- the doctor smiles

- Does this mean I'm finally going out of the hospital?!!!
- As soon as you're operated, you'll just have to wait 3 days in here and you'll be free to go.
- Then yes! Please let me get out of here!!!
I hug mom and dad. I'm so happy! I miss sun and school and ice cream!!


My mom is asleep and dad is at the coffee maker. I sleep out of the room and go across the hall. I quietly open the door and see that he is asleep. I just go near the bed and sit on the chair. I think he heard me because he opens his eyes and jumps with surprise.

"What- What are you doing here? Who are you"
- It doesn't matter who I am. You hurt Miss Spencer and I don't like you anymore.
- How could you like me, you don't even know me i just got here.
- I'm 5 but i'm not stupid.. You've been there for 3 months, I've been here the whole time, I've watched your hair grow back, your friends visit you, Miss Spencer cry near your bed...
- Hum, i'm sorry but, where are you parents? 
- Just listen to me quickly, i'm going away in 4 days and i won't be here to comfort miss Spencer when you break her heart so I'm just telling you what you should know. For the past 97 days, she's been visiting you every single day, she put notes & photos on the wall everyday waiting for you to wake up. You hurt her and that's mean.
- Errr, you seem nice but i don't think you know what you're talking about. You should go back to your parents hummmm. 
-Grace.. Do whatever you want but you should look around you a bit.

I just leave... Why doesn't he believe anyone. Poor miss Spencer...


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