Chapter 23

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"Is that going to be some kind of punishment or something? Bruising my lips with a kiss every time I say sorry?" I asked jokingly, gently feeling my lips.

"It won't be if you don't want it to be." He replied seriously, never taking his eyes off the road.

"I should say sorry more often." I said under my breath.


"You're more kinkier than I am, old man."

"Kinkier and old man fit so well in a sentence when you say them." He started laughing and then I turned on the radio. "Why don't you plug in the aux cord or something so we can listen to what we want."

"I would but I don't want you to think you're full of yourself because of my selection of songs.'

"Don't worry, I'm already too full of myself." He reached into the glove compartment and pulled out the aux cord. He handed it to me. "Play American Eulogy, I'll be me and you can be Mike."

I laughed. "Alright." I plugged in the cord to both the car and my phone, found the song and hit play.

"Blast this bad boy." He turned it up all the way and started singing.

I just watched him sing the intro and the smile never left my face. When he sang the last word, he winked at me and my smile grew bigger. Then the music picked up and I started head banging and he continued to sing. Then Mike's part came up and I started singing. It was really fun. I didn't even noticed we pulled into Tre's driveway until the song was over.

"Wow. That was fun." Billie said, unbuckling his seat belt.

"Would you say you were having a blast?" I asked with the biggest smirk on my face, unbuckling my own.

He shook his head and chuckled. We both got out and we were walking side by side up the path. It wasn't until then that I realized that I came up to his shoulder in height. "That was so bad, but that's why I loved it." He kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you, thank you very much." I said in my best Elvis voice, making him laugh some more. We got to the door and I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Shit."

"What? You've been living here for like 3 days now and Tre didn't give you a key?"

"No. And it never came up. You're his best friend, don't you have a key?"

"Best friend not roommate." He chuckled then grabbed my hand. "Who needs a key though? Come on." I followed him around the house until we stopped under a window at the back. "Bingo." He started to climb the fence.


"Just climb up here."

"We're going to break in?" I started climbing.

"It's not breaking in if it's your house."

"Is that what you used to tell yourself when you would sneak back into your house late at night?" I giggled, sitting on the fence next to him.

"No. I had a key." He smirked and stood up. He took a step towards the house and examined the window. He peered through it. "We're in luck. We'll be jumping onto a bed." He pushed open the window and climbed through it, disappearing into the dark room.

"Billie?" I called, scooting closer to the wall carefully.

"Come on." I saw a dark outline of a shape in the window. I scooted right next to the wall and used it to hoist myself up into a standing position. I put my hands on the window sill and then climbed through. I lost my balance though and fell onto the bed. Then the light turned on. "And she sticks the landing!" Billie was laughing next to the light switch by the door.

I glared at him and looked around. "Hey, this is my room."

"Pretty nice room. This is even better than Frankito's." He sat down on the couch where Joey sat when he was over. "That's Tre's -"

"Son, I know." I laughed and got up.

"How did you know that?"

"Oh, just google. I am still a fan, you know?" I walked to the door.

"A stalker more like it." He got up and ran to the door. "Where are you going?"

"Uh, to take a bath." His eyes flashed with desire. I grabbed my robe and towel. "Alone, you perv." Sad puppy dogs eyes now. Oh lord. "We can cuddle and watch a movie afterwards, but I'm taking this bath alone and I should be out in about half an hour." I pushed past him and left my room.

"Half an hour? What are you doing in this bath, masturbating?" He asked, coming after me.

"No!" I turned around when I reached the bathroom. He was right behind me. "I'm just relaxing. Light a candle, bath salts, close my eyes, you know?"

"What's the difference?" He smiled. I shook my head and chuckled.

"You're disgusting." I reached up and kissed his cheek. "I'll be out soon. Make yourself comfortable in either my room or the living room. But not that kind of comfortable."

He chuckled and I went into the bathroom, closing the door on him. I turned on the water and put in the bubbles and bath salts. Waiting for the tub to fill up, I found some candles in the cupboard under the sink and put them on the ledge of the bath. I also found matches (so lucky) and lit them. I turned off the tap of the now full tub and stripped and got in, making myself comfortable. Now this is relaxing. I closed my eyes and didn't really think about anything. Nothing at all. My mind was empty and it felt like I was floating on a cloud in the sky.
I lost track of time and I think I dozed off, but I was disturbed by a knock on the door.

"Are you almost done in there?" Asked Billie, his voice muffled by the door. "It's been like an hour. Tre's going to be home in a couple of hours, he just texted me. I'd like to spend some alone time with you before he comes home."

"Ok, give me ten more minutes!" I yelled from the bath. I waited for an answer before I pulled the plug, blew out the candles and got out. I dried myself off then put on my robe, with my hair in the towel. I opened the bathroom door and Billie fell in. "What were you doing, leaning on the door?" I giggled.

"Yeah." He got up and brushed himself off. Then he smiled and looked me up and down. "Please tell me you're staying in that robe."

I laughed. "Sorry, Beej. I'm wearing pajamas." I walked to my room with him on my heels. "Stay out here while I put them on." He started to pout like a dog, so I just rolled my eyes and closed my room door.

I put on underwear and bra, and my Winnie the Pooh onesie. I gathered up the extra fabric, closed my eyes and hugged it. "I love you daddy. I miss you so much."

Then I felt arms wrap around my waste from behind and a chin rest on my shoulder.

"Please don't cry. It hurts me to see you so sad." Billie whispered in my ear.

I turned around and hugged him. "I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you."

This time though, he didn't kiss me. He only hugged me tighter.

"Stop being sorry. You're lips can only take so much."

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