Chapter 51

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Everyone was really disappointed that Amy couldn't make it. Especially Adrienne. After Tre explained how happy Billie looked yesterday and today, she really wanted to meet the woman who could make Billie happy. I thought that was really sweet the way she put it but then I imagined her face if she knew who Amy really was. Me. I could just imagine everyone's faces if they found out. Pure disgust and anger.

Dinner was kind of awkward. All the talk and questions were directed towards Billie about Amy. No one really noticed I wasn't talking which was a plus. It was even more awkward because of the fact that Joey was forced to sit next to me because there were no other seats. I felt so weird sitting next to him. Also, I felt Billie's stare on me the whole time. Like something was going to happen if he turned his head. I didn't exactly answer his question earlier about if something happened between me and Joey. I wasn't exactly sure I was ready for that conversation. I didn't want to lie to him, but I didn't want to make it awkward between him and his son either. Jeez, you can't win in these kinds of situations.

After dinner, we all settled down to play some cards. There was an even number of people so we played Signal. It's a game where you're in pairs and you and your partner try and get 4 of a kind by exchanging cards with the cards drawn in the middle by the dealer. When you or your partner gets 4 of a kind, they flash you the signal. You call signal when they do and you get  point, but if any of the other teams calls block then they get the point. I won with Tre. We made a pretty good team.

It was already 9 pm by the time Tre and I left. We were both tired from all that winning so we exchanged a quick goodnight before each going to our rooms and going to bed. Or so he thought. I went in my room and locked the door. Then I opened my window and climbed out on the sill. When I looked down, Billie was standing there waiting.

"Good evening, my love." He said, embracing me in a hug. "Long time no see."

"Yeah, it's been a whole 10 minutes since i last said goodbye to you." I joked.

"10 minutes too long. You didn't even give me a good bye kiss."

"I can give you a hello one instead?"

"I'll never say no to that." He pouted his lips but I ignored them and kissed his nose instead. He pulled his face back and looked at me confused. "You missed."

"I know." I ran ahead of him.

"Hey, get back here!" He laughed as he ran after me. Instead of going to his house though, I made a detour and ran to the park. "Where are you going?"

"To have some fun." I climbed the jungle gym and slid down the slide. I was looking though and I slid right on Billie's back. He adjusted so he was giving me a piggy back ride and started walking away from the park. "Where are YOU going?"

"To have some fun." He laughed and I rested my head on his back as he walked back to his house. He didn't let me down once we were inside though, and instead carried me upstairs to his room where he playfully dropped me on his bed. "Now, how about that check up I promised." And he climbed over top of me. "Tell me miss, what seems to be the source of your pain?"

"Well, if I'm completely honest, my lower half kinda hurts a little."

"Still? Well I know just what will fix that." He kissed me as he stuck his hand up my shirt.

"I'm sure you do, doctor." I said as he took off my shirt.

"Now, this is something different than yesterday. Tonight it's all about you." He started kissing down my chest and stomach, stopping at the hem of my pants. "So just sit back." Tug. "And relax." Tug. "Babe, I'm going to make you feel all better." One last tug and my pants and panties were off simultaneously. He came back up to kiss me, as well as to undo my bra and throw it on the floor. Then he started the kissing all along my chest, working his way down my stomach, and when he reached...there...he started kissing the inside of my thighs, working his way inward.

"Billie...oh my god...Billie..." I moaned as he did what he did. "I'm...I'm..."

"That's it...cum baby, cum...let it go." I did as he instructed and let go, not that I could hold it in though. " taste so good." He crawled back up to me and rested his chin on my chest. "Do you feel all better miss?"

"Much. Thank you very much, doctor." I pulled his face up to mine and kissed him. "Now, tell me how I can make you feel better?"

He smiled devilishly. "Are you sure?" I pushed him off me and rolled on top of him, straddling his waist.

"Just tell me what to do." I returned the smile. He pulled me down and kissed my lips. Then I copied what he did and kissed his neck, making my way down his muscular chest, then down his stomach to the hem of his pants. I bit the hem of his pants and then undid the button. It was my turn to tug and I tugged his jeans off, leaving him in only his boxers. I could tell he was ready for it. We made eye contact. "It's my turn to make up for missing earlier tonight." And I pulled down his boxers revealing his hard on.

"Dad!" Called a voice.

I layed myself flat and Billie pulled the blanket over us. My face was resting on his inner thigh, inches away from it. Who the hell is that? The door opened.

"Dad, can I stay here tonight?" Joey. God dammit Joey. Always ruining everything. I knew Billie was thinking the same thing.

"Fuck, Joey. Why the hell are you here this late?" Billie answered.

"Well, I got into a fight with mom about something stupid."

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just leave."

"Ok, ok, fine. Nice to meet you Amy." And the door closed. I didn't hesitate. I started immediately. I wasn't waiting for another interruption.

"Win, are you -" Billie started but I stopped his sentence short when I grabbed it. I started rubbing up and down. He pulled the blanket off and moaned. I started rubbing faster. "Please..." I put it in my mouth and started moving it in and out of my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and started to push me faster and deeper. I started to go even faster. "Oh my god...babe...oh...uh...almost.." I went faster and then he pulled me off and he let go, getting it all face. I sat up and scrunched my nose. He just laughed. He got up and picked me up and carried me to his bathroom, placing me on the counter next to he sink. He grabbed a cloth, wet it and started wiping my face.

"Thank you." I said. He chuckled and continued to wipe.

"No, thank you. That was amazing." He wiped my forehead then kissed it. "I love you so much. That Joey though, ugh. I'm going to kill him."

"At least he thought it was Amy." He finished wiping my face and looked at me.

"There. As beautiful as ever." He kissed me. "How about we do it for real this time?" He picked me up bridal style and kissed me again.

"With Joey in the house?"

"Yeah, so? He thinks your Amy. It'll be a struggle for me not to say your name, but I'm sure I can manage." He pouted his lips. "Please?"

I kissed his pouted lips. "What about me? Won't he recognize my voice if I scream your name?"

"Oh, you will be screaming my name. But don't worry. It's hard to pin sex voices to people. You always sound slightly different."

"I don't know." He dropped me on the bed.

"Come on, babe. Just a quickie. We're both naked anyways." I pulled the blanket over me and rolled over, giving my final answer. "Fine." I felt the bed shift as he climbed in next to me, lifting the blankets over him too. I rolled over and cuddled up underneath his arm and putting my head on his chest.

"I love you Billie but I just can't with Joey in the next room. I don't want to take the risk."

"That reminds me." He sat me up and then got out of bed and locked the door. Then he came back and layed down, pulling me back on top of him. "You know, just in case he walks in while we're sleeping."

"Smart move." I said. I kissed his chest. "Sing me a song, Beejie."

"Anything for you my darling."

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