Chapter 43

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*Winnie's POV*

Billie: So I'll be over at like 10...ok?

Me: yeah...I'll be tired by then so cool

Billie: tired by're so lame lol

Me: *puts hand on chest and is offended*

Billie: babe I'm sorry...I didn't mean're not're cool and awesome and beautiful and sexy

Me: lol I was joking...I know I'm need to lie

Billie: I wasn't lying with those things I're cool and awesome and beautiful and sexy...I know why Joey wants you so much

Me: not as much as I want you

Billie: it's a good thing you have me then ;)

Me: lol...i'll see you you

Billie: love you too <3

I put my phone in my pocket and I set up Netflix to the browsing page. Just in time too because Tre and his kids walked in. I was half-lying when I said I was disappointed with the fact that they were leaving so soon. I was more disappointed that Tre was going to be there with Billie and I so we couldn't be alone. I'm grateful he's helping though. I just wish it was only me and Billie.

"So what movie do you guys want?" I asked.

"I believe it's Frankie's turn to chose this weekend, since Ramona chose last time." Tre said. I nodded and gave the remote to Frankie. He picked Into the Abyss.

After it was over, we all separated and went into our rooms to do whatever until we fell asleep. I changed into my onsie and was reading in my bed when there was a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I called. It opened and Tre's head peeked in.

"Winnie? Can we talk?" He asked, stepping inside. I saved my page and sat up.

"Sure. What about?"

He closed the door behind him and came and sat down on my bed with me. I swung my legs over the side of the bed so I was sitting next to him.

"Do you want to live here anymore?" I stared at him, shocked.

"Tre -"

"Let me finish. Do you have fun with me? Here? Or would you like to live somewhere else. With like, Billie or something. you two seem to be getting along really well and all you seem to want is to hang out with him. I almost regret making you two make up."

"Tre, where are you getting all of this from?" I continued to look at him. I would love to live with Billie but I don't think I could handle it 24/7.

"Well, you wanted to go with him today instead of with me. You got really upset when he left. I don't know. These are just my observations."

"Tre, look at me." He wouldn't so I grabbed his cheeks and made him. "I love Billie and all, but I love you more. I love everything that you've done for me this past week and there is no way I can repay you. Would I like to live with Billie? Yeah, it might be fun. For like a weekend. I could never spend that much time with him. You, on the other hand. I can't get enough of you. You're never the same. You change everyday. You kept this week interesting. This week has been more fun than the last 6 years of my life. And it wouldn't have been if you weren't there. Living with you, I can barely remember life without you. Oh wait, it was boring and sad and uneventful. I wouldn't want to live with anyone else. I love you, Papa Cool." I let go of his face as soon as I finished talking. He looked at me and it looked like he was about to cry. Then he threw his arms around me and pulled me close.

"Oh Winnie, I love you too. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I love you so much. You're like my own daughter. I'm glad you want to stay. I promise to keep everything exciting and to keep that smile on your face for the rest of your life. And when you do decide to move out, because let's face it, it's going to happen eventually, I'll be right here whenever you need me."

We sat like that for a couple of minutes before he pulled out of it and wiped his face. He got up, kissed me goodnight and left. I got up after he closed the door and locked it. I went back to my bed and opened up my book. I had only taken out the bookmark when my window creaked open and in came Billie. I smiled and held back laughter as he rolled over onto my lap like a dog. I bent down and kissed him.

"Why hello there." He said, looking up at me and smiling.

"Most interesting entrance yet." I replied as he fixed himself so he was now resting his head on my shoulder.

"So, whatcha reading?"

"A book."

"Obviously. What's it called, dingbat?"

"Three things...first, don't call me dingbat. Second, it's called New York."

"Ooh, interesting. What's it about?"

"It's about the history of New York. It's written with fictitious characters but based on real events as historical accurate as it ca get."

"It immediately sounds boring now. Anyways, what's the third thing?"

"Oh yeah. Third, you're hair is tickling my neck." I giggled as he started to intentionally rub his hair on my neck. "Stop. Beejie I swear to god."

He stopped and looked at me. "Beejie? What the hell is that?"

"A nickname. Don't you like it?" I pretended to be sad as I put my bookmark back in it's place and put my book on my nightstand. "I'll stop using it if you don't."

He grabbed my waist and turned me to look at him. "No I think it's adorable. Use it as much as you want." He kissed my nose. I smiled.

"Awesome. But this time you missed." I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, pushing him back on the bed at the same time. Then I pulled away and got off of him. "Now come on. Time for bed."

"Really? Just like that?" He sat up and started taking off his shirt and kicking off his shoes.

"Yeah. I can sing you a lullaby if you can't fall asleep." I smiled as I got under the covers.

"No, no, no. I'm the one who's going to sing you the lullaby." He took his pants off and got under the covers himself. I rolled over so I wasn't facing him. I felt him move closer to me. "You don't want one?"

"I didn't say that. Sing away, my darling." I moved back a bit so now I was up against him. My butt was against his stomach. He caught on in a second and he pulled me down a bit and then brought his crotch against me and closed the gap between my back and his chest. He sighed. Not like a fed up sigh, but a happy, relaxed sighed. Then he started to sing.

I text a post card sent to you

Did it go through?

Sending all my love to you

You are the moonlight of my night

Every night

Giving all my love to you

I didn't hear the rest of the song because before I knew it I fell asleep in the most comfortable position I could ever be in.

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