Chapter 50

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*Winnie's POV*

"Amy, huh? So how old is she?" Mike asked. "Is she like our age? Does she have any kids?"

I smiled at the amount of questions Billie had to make up an answer for. Amy was a pretty good name for a fake girl. I wonder what her age would be. He'll definitely pick between the twenty and forty mark.

"She's in her mid-thirties. And I don't know if she has kids. She hasn't said anything about it and I haven't asked." Billie replied with more confidence than when he said her name. A little part of me worried that this Amy chick was real.

"When do we get to meet her?" Joey asked. Ugh. Why was he even here? He's been on his phone the entire time. Like if you're not going to listen to the music, then just do us all a favor and go home.

"I don't know."

"How about tonight? It is Armstrong night after all." Tre suggested.


"Yeah, it's the perfect time for us to meet her and for her to get used to tradition." Mike added.

"I don't know about tonight."

"Aw, come on Beej. Please?" Tre and Mike whined in unison. Billie raised his hands in surrender.

"Ok, ok. I'll ask her but I can't guarantee anything." He stood up. "Thanks for reminding me about tonight. I should probably get things ready. It's almost 5." Mike and Tre both stood up too.

"You're right." They said in unison.

"You just ask that girl of yours, ok?" Tre said, slinging his arm around my shoulders. "Come on kid. Let's go."

We waved goodbye and hopped in the car. Tre made me drive again and I was getting every time I got behind the wheel. As soon as I pulled in the driveway, my phone went off. I instantly knew it was Billie from the vibration pattern I set, so I didn't answer it right away. Instead I ran into the house, telling Tre I really had to go to the bathroom. He laughed and got out of the car at his own pace. Once I got to my room, I opened my phone to a bunch of missed texts from Billie.

Billie: Ok, three things...first, what happened between you and Joey that caused all of the tension?

Billie: second, your new name in my phone is Amy so I can text you whatever I want without anyone thinking it was you...pretty clever, right?

Billie: and third, how do I tell everyone that Amy can't come to dinner tonight?

Billie: Babe, I need your help...come on, why aren't you answering?

Billie: I'll call you if I have to

Billie: I hope you're ok...i love you babe...I don't want anything to happen to you

I laughed to myself because he was so adorable. He seemed angry but then he immediately switched to caring, thinking something might be wrong with me for the fact that I'm not answering him right away. He's such a cute, clingy boyfriend. Hmm...that's the first time I've called him that. It felt right. At least, I think of him as my boyfriend. But does he see me as his girlfriend? Shut up, Winnie. Of course he does. Now stop overthinking things and answer the poor man.

Me: Sorry, I was driving and then I didn't want to open the texts in the car with Tre

Me: I knew it was you because of the vibration pattern I set :)

Billie: you were driving?! you're too young to drive! you could get into an accident!

Me: I'm fine...and I'm of age to drive you know

Billie: i guess...I just don't want you to get hurt

Me: lol don't worry, I'm 100% so you'll still get your sweet loving tonight

A couple seconds after I sent that text, his face appeared on my screen because he was calling me. I laughed and swiped to answer.

"You're insane if you think that's the only reason why I worry about you." He said, totally serious. "You're too special for me to just have sex with a couple of times and then throw you in the gutter like a fish. That's not what this relationship is."

"I know. I was only joking." I answered. "I am perfectly fine though. It was like my third time behind the wheel and I'm pretty good at it."

"I'll be the judge of that. I'll give you a full checkup when you come over tonight."

"We can't do that tonight. There'll be a bunch of people at your house, Tre being one of them."

"I meant later on tonight. When you come over after everyone leaves."

"Oh." I hear him laugh on the other side. "So, let's discuss this whole Amy situation."

"Well, Amy, I was wondering if you would like to come over tonight for dinner and you could meet my friends who have grown to become my family." I heard Joey faintly in the background ask if his dad was talking to his girl. "Sorry, that's my son. Doesn't care about my personal life unless there's a girl involved."

"As much as I'd love to meet your friends and family, I don't feel comfortable in those kinds of situations. Maybe further down the line of this relationship."

"Aw, ok, my dear. I'll let them all know." I heard struggling in the background. "I'm sorry, but my son wants to talk to you." Crap. I hung up. Then there was knocking on my door.

"Winnie, are you ready, we gotta go soon." Tre called through my door.

"I'll be out in five minutes." I called back.

"Ok, I was thinking pink today."


"Dokie." I heard the footsteps fade away and my phone buzzed.

Billie: Good thinking, he left to go pick up his brother and mother.

Me: Ok we'll be over soon.

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