Chapter 37

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*Billie's POV*

I felt like crap. I couldn't sleep all night. I can't believe I acted like that. Fuck. I know she'll never fully forgive me. Yeah, I didn't do anything to her but I still scared her. I almost did something that I would never have forgiven myself for. What am I even doing? I felt her shift underneath me and she moaned. Fuck. That was so adorable. Then she looked up at me and smiled.

"Morning, Beej." She said. I smiled back at her.

"Good morning beautiful." I replied. "It's still early, go back to sleep."

"Why would I when I can just stare at you instead?"

"You make a fair point."

"Do you want a coffee or something?" She sat up.

"No hun, I'm fine."

"Ok. I'll be right back." She crawled over me and got out of the bed.

"Where are you going?" I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

"To get you a coffee." And she wiggled through the crack in the door she opened for herself, quickly closing behind her.

I sat on the bed, just staring at the door, smiling. She was so cute. I did want a coffee but I didn't want to risk her getting caught with two mugs since I knew she would grab one for herself too. Maybe Tre wasn't even up yet. It was only 5 am.

*Winnie's POV*

I closed the door as soon as I stepped outside and I made my way downstairs. I was hoping no one was awake yet so I could bring up two mugs, one for myself and one for Billie.

"You're up early." Said a female voice when I walked into he kitchen. Ramona.

"Since I went to bed so early I guess I got all the sleep I needed." I replied going over to the coffee machine.

"So Winnie, did you like your birthday yesterday?"

"Yeah it was really fun. Tre did an amazing job."

"Yeah, he's a great dad like that. I kinda regret not letting him throw a party for me when I turned 16."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because he was about to start a tour and even though he wanted to postpone it for me I wouldn't let him." She got off the stool and put her mug in the sink. Then she noticed my second mug in front of me. "Two coffees? Are they both for you or is your friend with you?" She winked. I shivered.

"What about me?" Tommy came in to the kitchen.

"You kids are such early risers." Ramona smiled. "I'll leave you two alone then." And she left the kitchen. I turned back to making the coffee.

"Is one of those for me or are you being selfish again?"

"Again? When have I been selfish recently?" I turned around and he was right behind me.

"I stayed up all night, waiting for you to come see me. I kissed you and I thought you'd want to pick up where we left off." His arm snaked it's way around my waist and he pulled me closer. I put my hands up on his chest to keep him away, even though it was no use.

"You want to keep fighting? No thank you."

"You know what I mean, Wuig." He kissed me. I pushed him off.

"Get off." I pushed him farther away and quickly grabbed the coffees and made my way quickly upstairs, as fast as I could without spilling anything.

"Winnie! Talk to me." He called after me. He was making his way upstairs when I got to my door.

"Beej, open the door. Hurry." I whispered into the door. It was opened immediately and I hopped inside. "Close it and lock it."

"Why?" He asked, but doing what I asked.

"Shh." He nodded and took one of the coffees. He mouthed a thank you just as there was a knock at the door.

"Winnie, what's up? Why are you running away?" Tommy called through the door.

"Tommy go pack. When Tre wakes up, you're going to the station."

"I'm up, so can you tell me what's going on?" Tre called sleepily.

I looked at Billie, scared. He looked fine. He put his cup down and took mine and put that down as well. He hugged me and then got on the ground and crawled under my bed. I shook my head and smiled before opening the door.

"Good morning, Tre." I said, nonchalantly.

"It would be if I wasn't woken up by stomping and yelling." He chuckled. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. "What's going on, kid?"

"It'll tell you later but can you please just take Tom to the station?" I pleaded. He stared at me for a moment before nodding and standing back up.

"Alright, Tom, you heard the lady. Get your stuff, we leave in five."

"Ok sir." Said Tom and he turned and went to the guest room.

"Does the story take more than 5 minutes?" Tre asked me. I nodded and gave him a hug.

"Yeah, but don't worry. I'll have it ready for you when you get back."



He smiled and Tom appeared at the top of the stairs. Tre hugged me and left with him. I went back in my room and closed the door. I knelt down and layed on my stomach and stared Billie.

"It's a good thing you're so small so you can fit under there." I smiled and he smiled back ad he crawled out from under the bed and we both stood up.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" He asked, pulling into a hug.

"He came up to me in the kitchen and asked why I was being selfish because I didn't go see him after he kissed me. He wanted to pick up where we left off and when I said I'd didn't want to, he kissed me. I pushed him away and ran upstairs as fast as I could without spilling anything."

"Can I kill him?"

"As much as I want you too, I couldn't take that much time away from you when you go to jail."

"Aw, babe, I'm smarter than that. I won't get caught." I giggled into his chest and he hugged me tighter.

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