Chapter 14

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"Alright, I'm back. I've got popcorn and twizzlers and skittles." I said, closing my bedroom door with my foot.

"Win, what's wrong?" Joey asked.

"Nothing, why?" I lied, putting on a fake smile. That talk with Billie upset me. I regretted what I said to him as soon as I said it but once again something inside me told me it was right and that he just like my aunt.

"I'm going to say ok, but I know you're lying so you might as well just save us some confusion." He grabbed the bag of popcorn and popped it open. I sighed.

"I ran into your dad downstairs, that's all." I plopped down next to him, practically on top of him, and took the popcorn from him. "Now, let's finish the movie."

He opened his mouth to speak but before he could I pressed play. We watched in silence, except for the sound of the bags being reached into and food being pulled out. When the popcorn was empty, I rested my head on his shoulder and ate Twizzlers. He didn't push me away but instead put his arm around me, holding the bag of Twizzlers for me. With his other hand, he ate skittles. My heart was beating fast. What would happen when the movie ends? I didn't want it to end if it meant he had to leave and this moment would end too.

"Winnie! Billie and Mike are gone! You can quit hiding now!" Tre called from downstairs.

I lifted my head off of Joey's shoulder. "I'm fine! I'm watching a movie!" I yelled.

"Why not just tell him you're hanging out with me?" Joey asked as I rested my head on his shoulder again.

"Because he might be lying to get me downstairs and make nice with your dad."

"Wow, you're clever." Tre said, appearing in the doorway. I jumped up and looked at him. "Don't worry, I sent them home before I came upstairs. Cool's honor." He put his hand over his heart.

"Thanks Tre." Joey said. "I just don't want to talk to my dad right now."

"You too? Man, your dad is a jerk." He was still lingering in the doorway. "So what movie are you two watching?"

"A chick flick."

"Well, when it's over Joey I'd like you to go home so I can talk to Winnie."

"Got it, Tre." And Tre left my room, closing the door behind him. "What a mood killer, am I right?"

I chuckled and sat back down, but this time I didn't put my head on his shoulder.

"What's the matter? I was comfortable the way we were."

"I was too, but the movie is almost over so I don't want to get too comfortable."

"Well in that case, I better do something before I forget."

I turned to him in confusion and he was looking at his hands in his lap. "Wha- " Before I could get the whole word out, he kissed me. A gentle kiss. I kissed back and he deepened for a second before pulling away and looking at his hands again.


"Don't be." I grabbed his cheeks and turned them towards me and kissed him. He deepened it and our lips were moving in sync. He pulled away when the soft music of the credits was playing and we were both out of breath. The movie was over.

"You know we can't do this right?"

"Then it'll be the best secret I've ever kept."

He chuckled. "You're adorable. I don't want to go but I gotta. I told Tre I'd go when the movie finished."

"I know." I hung my head. It was so early. It was only 3 and I didn't want him to go. He lifted my chin and made me look at him.

"Don't be sad, sugar. I'll be back tomorrow." He kissed me on the cheek and then got up, grabbing his phone. "Call me. I know you have my number."

"Of course. Come on, I'll walk you out." I smiled and we walked out of my room. No one was by the front door so I reached up on my tippy toes and quickly kissed him. He hugged me and said goodbye.

After he left I found Tre in the kitchen. He was on his phone until I cleared my throat and made him look up.


*Joey's POV*

Shit. What did I just get myself into? I can't do this. She too young. Dammit Joe, you're turning into your dad. But was I really? I think I might actually like her. Like, a lot. I know it's crazy since I've only known her for like a day. I can't continue this. Maybe in a couple of years but not now. It's like illegal. She'll understand. Maybe we can just be friends. As much as I want to be more, it's not right. It feels right, but it's so wrong. I'll let her down tomorrow. It's gotta be smooth and easy. I hope it won't be awkward.

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