Chapter 6

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Tre had stayed very quiet during the drive home. He would tap along to the drum beat during some songs but others he just remained still and silent, looking out the window. I wonder if it has anything to do with me. I mean, he shouldn't have to worry about me because I'm not his child. We got back to his place and Mike and Billie left to go spend time with their families.

"Tre, are you ok?" I asked when he closed the door. "You're really quiet."

He turned around and got down on his knees so he was eye level with me, and hugged me. Not like a bone crushing hug, but a gentle, caring hug.

"I'm sorry. I just met you but I care about you so much. I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want you to go back to your aunt." He explained. "Today I didn't do such a good job. I should've known why you were so scared and helped you. I'm sorry Winnie, can you forgive me?"

I pulled out of the hug and looked him in the eyes. His blue eyes were full of passion and care and kindness, but that was covered by a layer of fear and sadness. "Of course I forgive you. You don't have to be sorry anyways." His eyes lightened and the sadness disappeared and he pulled me back into the hug.

"Thanks, Winnie."

"Honestly Tre, you're such a little drama queen." I laughed. "You gonna be regular Tre now?"

"Hell yeah! What do you want to do? Wanna play drums? Wanna get a tattoo? Anything you want babe, and you got it."

I thought for a moment. What do I want to do? I have always wanted to play the drums, but my dad was gonna teach me. Our first lesson was that day. Well, it was supposed to be.

"Christopher Robin was supposed to teach me how to play drums, but I think you're as good a teacher as any." I said, hoping he wouldn't remember who Christopher Robin was. His reaction was weird. At first, he looked a little sad for me, because of Christopher. But then when I said he could be my teacher, his face lit up. He looked at me with a blank expression for a while, and then he opened his mouth to speak but then he shook his head like he thought it would be a bad idea. Then he grabbed my hand.

"Well, come on. I'll show you my kit and then you can pick out a set of sticks. They'll be your special set. And by the time we're done today, Christopher Robin will be so proud of you." He dragged me toward the basement. We stopped in front of a door with a sign that said 'Caution: Loudness Beyond'. He turned the doorknob and opened the door. "Welcome to the loudest room in the house."

I stepped inside the room and was blown away. I've never seen so much drum shit in my life. There were shelves on the wall made out of old drums, holding things like towels and disks. There were guitars and basses covering the far wall and lo and behold in the corner across from that wall was a drum kit. The famous Tre Cool drum kit. (See picture above. Typed in Tre Cool drum kit and that showed up. Just a little visuals.) I walked up to it and sat down on the stool.

"Wanna take a wack?" He asked with a smirk, walking over to me.

"But I don't even know how to play. I'd just make noise."

"The drums is nothing but noise." He laughed. "Here." He walked over behind me and reached in the chest on the floor. He pulled out a pair of sticks and gave them to me. "Just hit them however you want and we'll see where to got from there where teaching is concerned."

I hesitated before I started pounding away. Not playing a particular rhythm at first but as I played I found myself playing Longview. When I finished, Tre was clapping crazily.

"Wow! You sure you've never played before because that was fucking awesome!"

"I haven't played before, but I listened to that song a million times...I don't know maybe it's neurological or something." I said, quietly.

"You still have a little ways to go but don't worry, with Papa Cool teaching you, you'll be a pro in no time."

"Papa Cool? Where'd you come up with that?" I giggled.

"Just thought of it actually. Why, don't like it?" He looked at me with a fake sad face, pretending I offended him.

"No, it's hilarious."

We continued to play the drums for hours until my hands started to hurt and I got a splinter in my thumb. It was 4 by the time we decided to stop.

"What day is it?" Tre asked as we were sitting on the couch watching Happy Tree Friends.

"It's Monday, why?" I answered. He jumped up and turned off the tv.

"Shit. It's Armstrong Night. Come on. We only have an hour." He pulled me off the couch and was dragging me up the stairs as he was explaining. "Every Monday, Billie and his family host dinner. It starts at 5. You gotta dress up. Not like really fancy, but not like how you are now. Got it?" We stopped in front of the bathroom. "Now you take a shower here, and I'll take one downstairs. Hurry. We leave at 450." And he ran off like a gazelle. This night was going to be fun, I could already tell.

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