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Ron: If you think about it, most wizards and witches aren't that magical, and the ones who are, do stupid things with their magic.

Hermione: What do you mean?

Ron: Well, I mean, come on! You are a wizard and you spend your time making jelly beans that taste like every flavor you can think of!

Hermione: But we can do a lot of cool things with magic.

Ron: Yeah, like turn in to dogs, we can fetch. That's fun.

Hermione: That's not all that we can do!

Ron: Oh yeah? If we're so powerful, then why doesn't Voldemort fix his nose, or lack thereof. Also, if Harry is so great, how come he can't fix his eyesight? If you can make Kim Kardashian have real talent, then you are magical.

Hermione: I can't argue with that...

Spoof Series 2: Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now