Harry: I can't believe we have detention!
Hagrid: You and Draco go together, Harry.
*15 minutes later*
Harry: This place is freaky...
Malfoy: Is that a goblin...drinking beer?!
Harry: No, that's Charlie Sheen...
Charlie: Winning!
Harry and Malfoy: Ahh! *Runs away*
Malfoy: Is that cloaked guy drinking unicorn blood?!
Harry: Only Voldemort could be that evil!
Lady Gaga: *Removes cloak* Yes! Now I will live forever!
Harry: Draco, get the gun...
Malfoy: *Runs into centaur, and runs away crying*
Centaur: Harry, you are the Chosen One!
Harry: Chosen for what?
Centaur: To have a role in the Women in Black!
Harry: Wow...
Centaur: What?
Harry: Well, I was just hoping for something cooler, you know? Like being picked as a backup dancer in a Justin Beiber music video.