Unexpected Visits...

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Harry: I found the Ressurection Stone in the Golden Snitch! It will allow me to see my family! *Opens it and a pill pops out* What is this? Ecstasy? Oh, well. I'm going to die anyway, might as well enjoy it. *Takes the pill, and Justin Beiber, Edward Cullen and Yoda appear*

Edward: Don't worry, Bella!

Harry: What the hell?!

Edward: Oh damn it, wrong spoof! *leaves*

Harry: You aren't my family! It says in the script that my family is supposed to appear!

Justin: Shut up! You getting a visit from Justin Beiber, be grateful.

Harry: Nobody cares about you! Seriously though, Yoda? That's the best you could get was Yoda?

Yoda: This is not the creepy looking creature you are looking for.

Harry: I know, that's Voldemort.

Voldemort: *From behind a bush* Hey! No! If anything, that creepy creature should be Justin!

Harry: He has a point...

Voldemort: Screw you, Harry. There's someone I have to get rid of more right now. *Points wand at Justin* Avada Kedavra!

Justin: *Dies*

Yoda: I was going to ask for his autograph...

Spoof Series 2: Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now