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 Black outfits and pity replies is all I have been seeing and hearing today.

 The feeling of numbness is itching its way to take over my body, but as I look over to my 3 year old daughter's face, Dayana, a sense of hope and will to keep going washes over me.

 She is my reason to keep on fighting in this world, my reason to follow my dreams. I want to show her that no matter what you've been through in life, you can achieve whatever you set your heart out to. I want her to look up at me, see her mother as her role model. Something I never had.

 I pick my daughter up from the ground and swing her over my hip. The guests from the funeral all give me a sympathetic goodbye and smile as they leave the vicinity.

 It still blows my mind that mi abuelita, Silvia, changed her mind about not giving her a funeral session. At first she wanted to be cremated but ever since she met Mike from the senior "hangout", as they called it, Silvia has been head over heels for him. They found true love at a late age but each moment they spent together was worth the wait. Unfortunately, their days were cut short as Mike passed away of old age, just a few weeks before Silvia. He died at the age of 85 happily in love, as my grandma died at the age of 82 satisfied that she found true love and got to see her granddaughter have a child.

 This funeral would have never been possible if it weren't for Isaac's help, a family friend who grew up along with my mother and father. The moment I called him two weeks ago about mi abuelita's changes in her death wishes he told me that he would help me in anything, but I didn't want to take his money. However, when I called him about Silvia passing away, he flew in that afternoon and got started on the funeral preparations. He would not let me pay at any cost throughout this whole process. If anything he wants me to work at his tattoo parlor in Pennsylvania. Although, I'm just not sure if I'm ready to leave Florida yet.

 I look down at my phone where the email lies open, the other reason why I should consider moving to Pennsylvania. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, it could be a start for me to get to my dreams of becoming a well-known artist. Is it worth the risk though? I can't just think for myself, I have to consider my daughter. Will this be enough for us two?

 "Take the job Liesla, it could open doors to that'll lead you to where you want to be." Isaac interrupts my deep thoughts as he places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, giving me a warm smile.

 "But what if this doesn't provide enough for Dayana and me?" I furrow my brows as my lips pierce then we walk over to my car to continue the conversation.

 He opens the back door open so I can place my daughter in her car seat to buckle her up. "You know you can always work at my tattoo parlor, your boss told me that you're his best tattoo artist there. I'd be honored to have you work with my team and I."

 "That's the problem! I want to work to get my position, I don't want it handed to me." I express my discomfort. "Just like I worked for this opportunity and my current job."

 He lets out a frustrated sigh, his hand lightly smacks his face as he shakes his head. "If this is what bothers you, why didn't you tell me before? I can have you do a tattoo battle with my best tattoo artist there. It's simple: I choose the style and design I want the tattoo to be, I'll set the amount of time given, then both of you will battle it out. At the end, my crew will vote who's turned out better. If you win the majority votes, you get the job. If you don't then you can always try again."

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