Ten: Electrifying Touch

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A/N: Today, April 12th, Inked Desire got ranked #93 in Chicklit! This is mind-blowing, thank you so much for reading you crazy smol, big people!

If you're a new reader, hey there! I always answer comments so if you ever want to leave something or talk, I am here. My smol self is here and loves talking.

As always enjoy and happy reading!

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Valentin Ramirez

 "You can't be serious, Ricardo." I look at him then at the store we're in front of. "Don't tell me, you finally have the cojones to do this?"

 Never in a million years would I have imagined myself where I am right now with Ric. The man who has always been hesitant and iffy on this subject is finally taking this on. Since we were kids, he always said he wouldn't and would make fun of me for what I thought about it.

 Never in a million years would I have imagined being in front of Tiffany's with Ricardo, where it's not me wanting to buy something from here but, him. This can only mean one thing: Ricardo is finally going to propose to Renata, his pregnant girlfriend of six years.

 "I'm doing it. Now, shut up and get in here." He opens the door and motions for me to go in.

 "Míralo, acting like a gentleman and all, y eso que no soy tu novia. You must be in a really good mood." I tease him, walking into Tiffany's as he pushes my shoulder playfully.

 Ricardo rolls his eyes at me then greets the employees, mumbling to me, "Shut the fück up, Valentino."

 I shake my head and curse under my breath. I hate when people call me that and my name, Valentin. However, when Liesla called me by that, it drove me nuts that day, and in a good way. That day, when she said my name, the way it just naturally rolled out of her tongue, it warmed up my insides. It's the exact same way I felt when she closed the distance between us to get back at me for the way I teased her.

 Liesla is bold yet, very guarded and quiet at times, or maybe that's just her being observant, I'm not sure. However, that never stops her from speaking up for herself. If there's one thing I definitely know about her, is that she doesn't take crap from anyone. I really admire that about her. That feisty little thing has put me in my place not only once but, at least, two times. And oddly enough, I wouldn't mind if she continued to do so. But, I don't think that will happen considering how I messed up any chance I could have had with her that day.

 Huh, a chance with her.

 I have to admit, as much as I have been trying to get her off my mind, I just can't. There are so many times in the day where I find my thoughts floating back to a bold, petite woman with long dark hair and hazel eyes that hold the greatest mystery of the world. It's insane how much it happens but, I like it when Liesla suddenly pops into my head. It's strange yet satisfying.

 One thing I have come to terms with these past few days is that no matter how much I try to convince myself that I can stay away from her, I just can't. I'm far too curious about her to just let her slip away from me.

 "Hey, Ram, do you mind coming back to earth for this? Afterwards, you're free to roam wherever your empty mind wishes, okay?" I roll my eyes in response but comply.

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