Seven: Bold Red Lips

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A/N: First off, thank you all for 1k reads! It's crazy to think that after a month and a week this has happened, I didn't expect it to occur soon/ even happen. I'm glad you're enjoying the story enough to come back and read more! I appreciate it so much!

Enjoy this extra long chapter! I couldn't help it, there's so much and I don't like splitting it up in 2 Parts, nor did it fit in Ram's POV.

Happy reading and thank you!❤️

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Liesla Montez

 You can do this.

 This is just a new job where you get to work with one of the most well known artist in the nation. He sees potential in you and wants to work with you.

 You can do this.

 I have been telling myself this since I have woken up. I'm pretty sure I even said it out loud which caused my daughter to look at me with curiosity. She squinted her eyes at me and studied me from afar as she carefully ate her small bowl of oatmeal. At least she actually finished her breakfast this morning.

 After all that, I took her to Frida and Isaac's place. As expected, Dayana wasn't happy with me leaving her once again but as Isaac said, she needs time to adjust.

 Walking on the streets of Philly, there are handfuls of people surrounding me, a strange situation for a Florida gal. Back there the streets would look deserted since cars are used to get you anywhere. This is a nice change of scenery, I like it.

 Now, I stand in front of what will hopefully be the beginning of something amazing. As soon as I enter the rustic building brick building, I begin to admire my work space. The studio is set up in a fairly open concept floor plan with only two private rooms: one for the bathroom, and the other I assume might be my boss's office. Walking in, there's a comfortable and modern looking desk with a computer and folders on top. A light color of maroon covers the walls, along with many paintings and photographs; some by Kevin Moreau and other by another artist.

 There are some chairs and tables that fill up the space before getting to the metal and glass staircase that leads to another floor belonging to my boss. When I look up, the ceilings are high, allowing me a glimpse of the second floor. There are modern yet simple lighting fixtures, giving out only a sufficient amount of light. Not that it's needed right now, the big windows grant us natural lighting. Everything is so simple yet beautiful, god I want my own studio to do my own art one day.

 "Bonjour Miss Montez, t'es prête pour ta première jour de travail?" Mr. Moreau' voice brings me away from me admiring the studio. He's coming down the staircase in a pair of dark washed jeans with a nice short sleeved, button up shirt that has an ombré effect, moving from a dark olive green color to a lighter one.

 Kevin Moreau is a fairly attractive man with a golden tan that brings out his piercing ocean blue eyes, pairing well with his short dark brown hair. He's not as tall as Ram but he's a good three head taller than little ol' me. His arms aren't as muscular as Ram's, but they alway aren't as thin as bones.

 What the hell is wrong with me? I can't keep comparing every man to Ram. I need to get him out of my mind.

 "Oui, monsieur Moreau." I reply as I move towards him, holding my hand out for him to shake.

 He shakes his head and his hands lightly grab mine to put it down. "Parfait. Since we will work together for a long time, and because I already like you, let's move past formalities. You can call me Kev or Kevin, either works."

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