Three: New School Ink

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Liesla Montez

My blood is boiling with anger after my "introduction" with Ram.

Este hombre no tiene escrúpulos. What makes him think that he can judge my ability to perform well because I don't have the "look" for this? He just assumed that since my arms didn't have one tattoo on them that I didn't have them in other places, how ridiculous.

My tattoos are hidden under my periwinkle crew neck t-shirt and skinny jeans. I have been thinking about getting some on my arms but I want my first to be something special, just like all the other ones I have.

But there's a reason Isaac wants me to work for him, and it's not just because he's known me for years. No, it's because my designs and how I tattoo are top notch for someone who only started doing this as a hobby and to gain money. And I'm not saying this to sound cocky or anything, but it's what I've been told.

Yes, I'm no professional but if this tall, Adonis man thinks he can judge me because of some absurd stereotype he has then he has another thing coming for him.

As I set up my station, Ram saunters into the space across from mine, looking at me with an intense gaze. My eyes follow his movements, taking in his body and face.

His figure towers over my five foot four height, he's at least six foot tall. Ram has light brown eyes that stand out from his dark, curly brown hair that is longer on top and fades on the sides. His face is chiseled and well-defined, stubble covering his jaw oh-so perfectly.

This man is attractive.

As he takes off his jacket, I can't help but let my sight travel down to his inked arms that are covered in different pigments; from black to all colors.

One tattoo in particular catches my attention as my eyes work their way up his muscled biceps; it is a figure of Poseidon striking downwards with his trident in his right hand. But what's interesting is the bottom tip of the trident doesn't have an end, it continues off into his shirt that covers the rest of his awe-inspiring tattoo, leaving my mind wondering what the rest of it could be.

"Are you done staring?" Ram's voice brings me back from my thoughts, his lips forming into a devilish-smirk.

"Yes, I am. But, did you finish staring at me when you walked in the parlor as I talked to Isaac?" I throw back with a wink. My words catch him off guard, causing his smirk to be wiped off immediately as he raises an eyebrow at me in amusement.

I can't help but let out a small chuckle to myself. I thought it was quiet enough for only my ears, but it wasn't, because out of the corner of my eye, I see Ram look at me curiously then smiles to himself.

A smile that even though I can't see perfectly, I know it's the most striking smile I have ever seen on a man.

Just as I stand up to go get my gloves, Isaac walks in with a group of five people following behind him. In that group are three women and two men, standing tall with confidence, more than half of them are covered in tattoos. One of the girls stand out to me, she has strawberry blonde hair that stands out from her honey-toned skin color and a crazy bright blue lip color that matches her eye color. There's something about her that seems so familiar...

"Okay kids, time to get this show on the road." Isaac claps his hands together then walks a bit towards the middle to address us. "There are three people behind me that will be part of the judging process, the other two are your canvases. If they could stand next to me, that would be fantastic."

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