Nineteen: Awakening Touch

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A/N: Give thanks to my crush for how steamy it got but, that came with a cost. ;)
You'll know what that is later.

Enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

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Liesla Montez

 "Hey, why didn't you tell me about your fight today?" My voice is soft and exhausted as I ask.

 It's probably not a good idea asking while I'm tired but, I couldn't stop the words from spilling.

 "I didn't think you wanted to know anything about it. Liesla, since the moment I told you about me being an MMA fighter, your eyes told me everything I needed to know. It doesn't seem like you like it." He confesses, pausing for a quick second to take a drink from his bottle of water. "And it's fine. I mean I get that MMA is not everyone's preference but, this is my life. Even once I'm done with the championship, I'll still train and watch because I love the sport.

 "I want to share everything with you, Liesla but, if this isn't something you're comfortable or fine with, I understand. I just won't share that part of my life with you, however, it won't seize to exist." Valentin's free hand grabs mine then give it a light squeeze, spreading warmth all over my cold body.

 "I'm sorry I made it seem that way." I sigh as I turn to face him, drawing light circles on his hand with my thumb. "And contrary to belief but, I do like the sport. I just don't like the memories it comes with." I whisper the last part out, hoping he didn't hear it but, he did.

 He always does.

 Valentin has a knack for catching onto things. There are times where he'll question me about them, and other times where he'll pick up on it and stay silent about it. I'm not sure what he does with that small patch of clue or information about me. Does he keep or forget about them?

 That brings me to the other questions my mind thinks about: Am I really worth figuring out? Am I worth fighting for?

 There was a time where I thought that I wasn't worth the fight because people made me feel that way. I always felt like an after thought, even a second option. It wasn't until I got pregnant that I realized that I am worth a fight, that I am worth being someone's first thought, not second. Ever since, I have vowed myself that I won't settle for being someone's second option.

 Will Valentin stick around once he uncovers everything about me? Every crevice, mark, and secret embedded into me...

 He seems to genuinely care about me. I only hope that me opening up my heart to him won't end up with me shattering into pieces that I won't know how to place back together because whatever is happening

 Valentin turns down the music as we pull up to a gas station. Once the car is parked, I shift away from the center of the car and move closer to the window, placing distance between him and I. He quickly notices this and reaches out for my hand, gently pulling me towards him, his rough hands cupping my face in a swift motion.

 My eyes watch as the moonlight shines over his rugged exterior, accentuating the stubble covering across his sharp jawline. His warm pink lips are slightly parted and his breathing is becoming more heavy as if he is out of breath. His callous hands softly moves my head to the side as his face comes closer to left ear then brings one hand to my back, holding me closer to him.

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