Four: She Growls

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Valentin Ramirez

 This has got to be a joke.

 From all my years of tattooing and battling, I never thought this would fucking happen. Not once have I ever done below up to par work, nor have I ever been in a tie or lost.

 This is definitely the icing on the cake. My career as a tattoo artist is finally complete.

 You would think that I would have grown accustomed to the feeling of losing because I have lost some of my MMA fights, but I'm not.

 This afternoon, I, Valentine Ramirez, have lost a tattoo battle to a short, fiery, and enticing woman, whose name I now know is Liesla.

 When Isaac calls her name out, I silently repeat after him, allowing for her name to roll effortlessly out of my tongue. My god, it feels nice to say it. That name is so simple yet unique, very fitting for her. I may not know her for the longest time, but I can point out someone who is distinct and noteworthy easily.

 "Although, Liesla did not cover up the existing tattoo, the jury loved how you manipulated and rejuvenated the crescent. You turned it into a new work of art. In a way, you covered up the old tattoo, only to replace it with a new and improved version that fits well with the gypsy." Isaac pauses then seconds later, his pokerface breaks away and a huge grin is painted on. "For these reasons, we have decided to declare you the winner of this battle."

 I groan quietly, closing my eyes in frustration. Damn, I'm going to behave like one sore loser if I continue like this. After taking a deep breath, I turn my head to look at Liesla, that has her arms lazily crossed in front of her with those plump, rose lips of hers pursed as her eyebrows raise in satisfaction of proving me wrong.

 And as much as I would love to say this isn't turning me on, that would be a lie. Her feisty little self has me all worked up and interested.

 Just as Isaac finishes talking, our two canvases come out and the both of us walk over to see each other's work. I squat down and look forward to seeing an adequate tattoo, but the moment my eyes fall unto the tattoo, I understand everything. I can see why Isaac wanted me to battle her, she's phenomenal at tattooing and her artistic skills are beyond my grasp.

 I think I've met my match at this.

 From the shading to the line work, she has this almost perfected to a T. Honestly, if she had more time in her hands, this would have been the definition of a flawless new school gypsy. I'm left in awe after seeing Liesla's tattoo, it's a piece of art that speaks. I don't know how the hell she did that, but it does. The eyes of the gypsy are so mysterious and secretive that it leaves you wondering what it is hiding.

 Wow, she's talented.

 "I have to say, you're pretty good competition Ram." Liesla's alluring voice fills my ears as she walks over to me.

 "Yeah, yeah, you're pretty good too." I stand up and grumble. It's true, this girl is the best damn competitor I've ever had. She throws her head back and lets out a throaty but wonderful laugh, sounding like music to my ears.

 Kind of unfortunate that this will be the last time I see her, or maybe not. This piece of work has distraction written all over her.

 Liesla looks at me curiously then raises her hand to my face and moves away a piece of hair that I didn't notice was on my forehead. Just as my hand reaches out for hers, she retracts her small hand and her cheeks turn a soft crimson color.

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