Five: Doctor Serrano

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A/N: Life happens but here's this week's update!

Happy reading!

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Liesla Montez


 Pacing is all I have been doing since I got to the Philadelphia hospital. Not Frida or Isaac can calm me down right now, not even my happy place. And I'm not sure how I can even calm down knowing that my daughter is injured, knowing that she might have broken a bone trying to get to me

 When I got the call from Frida, I expected it to be her calling to tell me that Dayana wanted to talk to me or she wanted to see if it would be okay to give Dayana desert. Never would I have expected to get a call from her telling me that my daughter is in the hospital because she fell down the stairs of Frida's house as she looked for her mother, me.

 My baby got hurt because she missed me, because she wanted me to spend this Saturday night with her.

 My heart dropped to the ground the moment Frida told me she was at the hospital because Dayana fell down the stairs and injured herself. However, my heart dropped down even further when Frida told me the reason Dayana went rushing down the stairs is because she was hoping that the person who rung the doorbell was me, but it wasn't.

 Although, I can't blame myself for what happened, I also can't help but feel like I could have prevented that situation from happening in some way.

 So instead of sitting down and thinking of what I could have done different, I pace and hope that takes my mind away.

 What if maybe I just didn't go to the tattoo...

 "Esla, stop pacing!" Frida's stern voice brings me out of my thoughts. My feet ground themselves onto the floor, stopping me from going back and forth any further, and my head snaps up. Frida's deep, chocolate brown eyes are filled with worry, mirroring mine.

 I sigh then roll my head around my neck as I take a deep breath. Just calm down Liesla, everything with be fine.

 "I feel like a bad mother, I'm so afraid of ending up like mine." I confess as my body falls into an uncomfortable hospital chair.

 Isaac swings an arm around my shoulders, causing me to lean into him. He kisses the tops of my head then rests his on mine. "Don't say that, don't even think that, Liesla. You're better than your mother, way better, and you know that."

 I bury my head in the crook of his neck as my right index finger begins tracing my grandmother's rose gold wrist watch. "But, I'm scared to become like her. What if coming to Philly wasn't the best idea? Dayana needs me, maybe this new job will cut my time to be with her. And then this job at the parlor, I just... I don't know anymore, Isaac."

 He squeezes me then rubs my back. "No, stop that. You deserve happiness, Esla. You deserve this opportunity. Art makes you who you are, and this is job can give you the possibilities for more. Remember why you came to Philly: to follow your dreams, make them a reality.

 "As for Dayana, well, she'll get used to not having her mom around all the time. I'm sure that in the future she'll understand. Plus, now that you guys are in Philly, you two have Frida, me, and the tattoo crew. Dayana just need to get accustomed to us and her new home." Frida nods in agreement with her husband's statement, stroking my hair with her right hand.

 The small touch of affection warms my heart, but it also makes my heart clench because I never had that when I was a child. Affection and love was something I never understood as a kid, it was foreign to me. I didn't know what it was or how it felt until my grandma Sylvia came along and saved me. For a long time I thought the father of my child taught me what love is but the moment I became pregnant, my eyes opened and I saw the truth of my reality.

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