One: A Fresh Start

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Liesla Montez

 Moving is far more stressful than what I thought it would be. Add in a three year old who keeps asking why we are leaving Mickey Mouse to go to the land of Philly cheesesteaks, it's a bit frustrating.

 I knew I should have kept that menu away from the coffee table.

 My grandma's funeral was in September and it took me until now, November, to finally be in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It look longer than expected to get released from my apartment lease and quit my two jobs, especially my job at our local tattoo shop. My boss really didn't want to let me go, he even insisted for me to stay until October was over because it is typically our busiest month.

 Luckily, the job I have accepted in Philly doesn't start until mid-November because then I would have let my boss down. Or well, ex-boss now.

 But now that's all in my past. As of now, my daughter and I's present and future lies in Philly. Besides constantly asking why we are leaving, Dayana has been excited to be here, which only makes me more eager to get to Philadelphia and start fresh.

 A new beginning, away from painful memories and people.

 After Silvia died, there really was nothing holding me back to stay in Florida. I don't know why I almost changed my mind, that would have been a grave mistake.

 Right now, I stand in front of my new home, a small townhouse that is just enough for my daughter and I. The townhouse is a mixture of different red colored bricks that all ensemble great together, with brick stairs and black, contemporary metallic railings that lead up to the dark mahogany door with a golden knob.

 When I saw the inside of this house online, I fell in love and knew it would be the perfect house to raise Dayana in on my own. As I walk in, I instantly remember what made me fall in love. The foyer is a decent sized one, enough space to put a small high-table that can have a cup to place my keys in, and in front of that, I can put a coat hanger and shoe shelf.

 Past the foyer, I see a beautiful wooden staircase that leads to the second floor, and to the left, an open doorway to the living room. My daughter immediately runs past me to see the family room, which connects to the kitchen to the right. I love the open concept of this house, I can cook dinner and keep an eye on Dayana. A mother's dream.

 I closely follow behind Dayana, leading me into the small dining space. A small table for two can easily fit here, and I know Daya will love the bay window that exposes our tiny backyard.

 "Mamá. I eat my waffles here, right?" She asks in her small baby voice, pointing towards the bay window.

 I giggle and pick her up, resting her weight on my right hip. "Si, muñeca. But when I want to have breakfast with you, I expect my baby girl to eat with me, yes?"

 She nods then continues to admire her bay window. After a minute, I walk us up the stairs to show her the room she'll sleep in. Back in Florida, we both slept in the same room but now Dayana gets her own. My daughter's room is directly in front of mine, with a bathroom in the middle of our two rooms.

 At first I thought there was only one bathroom because of the pictures I saw online but when I called, the real estate agent said there are two. The second one is in my room.

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