Twenty: Broken Souls

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A/N: We'll talk after this chapter, okay?❤️  

btw, follow me on instagram for sneak peek on future chapters ;) :  alexcwrites

This chapter contains strong themes and language.

Enjoy this long awaited chapter and happy reading... I guess???

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Liesla Montez

 Inhale. Exhale.

 There are a handful of moments in life in which have damaged me in an irrevocable way.

 Each moment has messed with heart, mind, and soul, while also teaching me many valuable lessons that has helped me reflect on my life and myself. The biggest one being realizing my worth and that I deserve the best in my life.

 When I found out about Dayana, everything pieced together for me; everything became clear.

 I made myself believe that I could leave the past behind me, that if I survived it then that only makes me stronger.

 Inhale. Exhale.

 The beginning of a prolonged battle is about to begin. Whatever happens right now will only be the start, and it will only end until I give in, as it usually occurred.

 Past tense.

 I am no longer that woman from the past. I left her behind. She remains as a lesson to my present and future self, a reminder of what not to be and what not to do.

 She observed and compared her life to others, wondering how did hers turn out to be that way. What did she do to deserve it? And in reality, there's no answer to why.

 Stand your ground, Liesla, I remind myself. You are strong enough to not fall again.

 In front of me, stands the man that tried to once save me, only to end up damaging me more than I already was. Together we tried to love unconditionally, wanting to become each other's safe haven.

 There was a brief time in our relationship where we were genuinely happy, everything was perfect. I was finally starting to blossom and grow into my own life, moving away from my life, thinking that the worst had finished and that this would become the start of a new beginning.

 Oh, how naïve I was.

 And how was I supposed to know better? I practically raised myself.

 I was so caught up on the idea of never being loved that when I finally felt that from someone else, I was hooked.

 Hooked on the euphoric feeling, the passionate words, and the fact that someone loved me.

 I was immediately scared to lose that.

 And that ultimately became my downfall.

 My ruin, but his weapon.

 "Iker Torres," I breathe out the name of my daughter's father bitterly, holding the door tightly against my body, "what are you doing here?"

 "Baby, is that any way to greet your man?" His voice is gruff and low, holding an ever so light spanish accent that used to make my heart hum.

 "Ha," I bark out a laugh, rolling my eyes at his stupidity then spit out, "that's a word you can't even fill the title for."

 Iker straightens his posture, now standing tall and proud in front of me with his athletically built body. My eyes wander to his that are watching mine with an intensity full of anger, hunger, and lust. The blue and green in his eyes are marrying together in such a way that would almost become one. Those eyes were once my weakness, bringing me weak to my knees whenever they looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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