Chapter four

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The first week dragged by for Will. He could never keep up with the himework and he had startedto get abuse from the other students because of his personality. Will has always been distanced from other people and he may not speak for the entire day, a trrate the Hannibal had become accostomend to from Will. He did find it a little bit rud ebut he knew Will couldnt help it becasue it was hard for him. However, the other students didnt understand this ad had started to make remars about it. Hannbal hated them for it, he would laways tellthm to piss off and because he wasnt exactly the nicest person to people other than Will, they tended to back off and wait till Hannibal wasnt around.

Will was walking thought the corridor on his way to the common room to get lunch when he was approached by another student "What do you want now, Liam?" Liam smirked as Wil looked to the floor. he was never one form confrontation. "Wheres your best friend Willy boy?" Liam jeered with a horrible grin on his face. Will just continued to walk and try to push past him. Will was a lot smaller than him though so Lam had no trouble pushing Will back in one swift movement. Suddenly Hannibal showed up and placed a hand on Liams shoulder swinging him around. Hannibal grabbed the collar of the white polar shirt that he was wearing and pushed him up against the lockers with a crash.

"How about you just, yup know, FUCK OFF!" Hannibal shouted in his face. Liam tried to pull the defiant look at Hannibal to try to make him back off but Hannibal could see right through him and slammed him up against the lockers again. This time Liam just nodded and sped off elsewhere. "Are you OK" Hannibal asked Will who was still looking at the floor. Will simply nodded and walked away from Hannibal, keeping hi head down. Hannibal followed after Will hoping to get a better response from him. Will walked straight up the stairs and into their history class room.

"Will?" Hannibal said quietly. "Will" He still didn't lookup to Hannibal. This time Hannibal turned Wills chair and kneeled down in front of him "Please?" Hannibal asked the silent boy. Will sighed a shaky sigh and tilted his head up slightly so he could make eye contact with Hannibal. his eye were a puffy red. he'd been crying. Hannibal had know that the past few days had been hard for him but he never expected to see him cry. "Oh, Will"He said moving his hand to cup Wills face and more ears began to fall. Before Will could protest he was pulled into a warm embrace by Hannibal and he just cried and cried. 

A teacher walked in on them and stopped suddenly. Hannibal looked up and mouthed for them to be quiet and leave so he could deal with this himself. the teacher simply nodded and slipped out of the room. Hannibal just sat on the floor holding poor will as he cried onto hid light blue dress shirt, leaving a damp mark behind. Hannibal was shocked to see how emotional Will actually is. he felt quite taken back by it.

"How Long?" Hannibal questioned the young boy in his arms. "will, how long?" he asked again, this time more sternly due to the lack of reply from the previous attempt. Will just sighed and moved away from Hannibal. "Too long. All my life i have been different and there was always somebody there to tell me what i was doing wrong" Will said, wiping his face with his hands. Hannibal felt sorry for Will, he became determined to help Will have a normal life as long as he was in it. "Will, will you join me for dinner at my house?" Will looked at Hannibal with a confused look on his face as if to ask him Why? "Please"

Will nodded, and gave Hannibal a smile. it was Friday so he knew his mum wouldn't mind but he still gave her a text to make sure. "Where shall I meet you?" Will sked Hannibal "We have the sae lesson last, rememeber?" Will chuckled. 

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