Chapter 53

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Will met with Dr Stephens at the hospital the next day where he explained his dream to her. She listened and scribbled notes down in her pad.
"Have you tried documenting these dreams?" She asked him. Will shook his head.
"I'm not sure how that is meant to help me" Will replied. She closed her pad and placed it on her lap.
"I think you need to write down all the details about theses dreams that you remember so you can read them back to yourself" The doctor explained. "That way you are looking at them as only story's and not something you have experienced" She used the term 'experienced' loosely here because it was only a dream.

Will nodded and said he would give it a try.
"What about school, Will?" Dr Stephens asked. He hadn't thought about that.
"Surely after everything that had happened, they won't want me back." Will said as he looked at his hands in, what felt like, shame.
"How about I ring them on your behalf and we will see  if we can get you re-enrolled to take your last year again?"
Will was hesitant. It hadn't been the best place to be at all. But he knew that if he wanted a job in the field he was looking at, he needed school behind him.
"OK. Thank you" Will agreed with slight reluctance. "But please, don't tell them about mum. They will put me in care because I'm not old enough to be on my own"

"Will, that goes against everything I have been taught to do" Dr Stephens replied with a stern look. Tears began to form in his eyes.
"Please?" The doctor didn't say anything and just picked up the phone and found the number to his sixth form. She explained who she was and Will's situation this past year to try to convince them to have him back.

By the end of the conversation, there was no family mentioned and Will had his place back and his A-Levels to complete. He felt happy that he could continue normally and even more happy that nothing was mentioned about his mum. Will knew that there would probably be people that rembered what happened but hopefully after a year they had forgotten.

"Apparently you arnt the only one resitting the year either, so you won't be alone" She replied,  more chipper than when she last spoke.
"Did you get told who?"Will asked, hoping it wasn't a former bully.
"Its a friend of yours they said,

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