Chapter 27

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AN:Sorry I haven't been posting much at the moment. It doesn't help the fact that my space bar on my laptop is broken. Also sorry it's only a short one  but  MERRY CHRISTMAS and Thank You!!!

Will lay there in silence after his father left just waiting to see if Hannibal would breathe. After what seemed like forever, his chest shakely rose and fell. Will let out a sigh of relief and imeaditaly tried to get him to speak. "Hannibal?" Will whispered. "Hannibal!?" He repeated, this time louder and more panicked 

"I can hear you Will, there is no need to shout" he coughed out. "I'm so sorry, Hannibal" Will said as he tried not to cry"Please forgive me, i didn't know he would do something like that." Hannibal turned his head to face Will and gave a small, weak smile. "It's OK Will." he muttered "I came of my own accord" Hannibal turned his head again, wincing in pain. Will hated that his father did this to him. It didn't shock him that his father turned out to be this sort of person he was never a good person.

Just as Will was about to nod off, he heard Hannibal move and sit up as much as his bounds would allow him. "He knows, Will Hannibal spoke weakly "Jack Knows where we are" Will laughed out loud before his head once again hit the cold metal table and he fell into a deep fitfull sleep. He was awoken once again by the slamming of the metal door and the ruff scraping of metal across the damp concrete floor as Lucas walked in, dragging a large toolbox behind him. The nice had also pulled Hannibal out of a restless sleep and he looked up to see Lucas looming over him with something in his hand.
"I will teach you not be make my son into  a gay boy" he laughed as he plunged a screw driver through Hannibals abdomen and back out again. He laughed as Hannibal grunted in pain. "Please stop, leave him alone" Will begged as he rather continued to attack Hannibal. But Lucas continued to ignore him. "PLEASE STOP. YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!" WILL screamed at the top of his voice. This for his father's attention, who looked up with a sinister smile and shook his head laughing. "You're going to watch as I take the life from your little liver boy and then you will stay with me forever" Will cried and begged and thrashed against his restraints, trying to break free but only breaking his wrist in the progress. He shouted out in pain and after a while he knew that all he could bldo was watch as his father killed the person he held so dear to himself.

After what felt like days, Hannibal lay there beaten and bloody as he rather later into him with all his energy that he  would muster. To Wills surprise, Hannibal was still alive and kicking. He was putting up a fight but Will could tell that it was getting harder and harder for him to fight back. After  Lucas left for the night, Hannibal was silent. In fact the entire place was silent. Which was odd because they can usually hear the TV on upstairs. But suddenly the power was cut and Will shut his eyes, praying that it wasn't one of Lucas' sick plans to make Will scared. He just lay there, eyes shut listening for any sound of life in the house but heard nothing until there was a hun shot and a scream from his father. This was shortly followed by the thunder if fight and the shouting of a lot of men.

"They are here for us, Hannibal" Will said as he listened "Just like you promised"will lay back just as they broke down the door and torch lights began to move around the room as men piled in
Will knew that they were going to be safe.

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