Chapter 30

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Hannibal was heart broken towards Wills' response to him. Or lack there of. He kept trying, however, to keep him somewhat human. Sending him hand written letters everyday explaining to him that he knew it wasn't his fault but Will made no attempt to talk to Hannibal and in the end, as much as he didn't want to, Hannibal gave up. He couldn't keep trying to help someone who wouldn't accept it and just moved on. It still hurt to see Will but he pushed through it an decided it would be best to leave him alone. 

Will, however, had 'turned off' his emotions in a way. He didn't want to feel anything for Hannibal because he didn't want to hurt him again. He kept every letter that wasn't sent. Every little note that was slipped into his locker but when the stopped turning up he knew that Hannibal had let him go. Obviously this hurt Will but he decided it was for the better. He seemed to get everybody near him hurt, his mum and Hannibal and he hated himself for it. 

_--------------Time Skip-----------

It was a few weeks till the Summer Holidays and these had been filled up with the new information for the second year of 6th form. Hannibal continued to work in silence beside Will in their shared lessons and Will continued to put minimal effort into what he was doing. It was only when Mr Winchester and Mr Headwich pulled him to the side and told him if he didn't get his act together, to not bother coming back next year. Will needed this education if he wanted to get anywhere in his life. Will started to pay more attention in his class but still kept to himself and by the time it got to the summer holidays Will had already nearly completed a section in his Applied Science course and had a lot of notes made of of his history text book for the first Tudor section. 

Hannibal was keeping up nicely but wasn't half as prepared as Will was but it didn't matter that much to Hannibal. He knew he would have a lot more time without having to be with Will. He felt bad by saying something like this but he knew it to be true and if Will wanted to shut him out so be it. Hannibal still went to Wills house every now and again, watching him not move from his bed which was still situated in the living room.

Will wasn't in the best of moods on the last day of term before the holidays, which is completely opposite to what every body else was feeling around him. He could hear everybody making plans to meet their friends and what holidays they would be going on with their families. Will hated seeing people so happy when they were talking about their families because he couldn't relate any more. This first part of his life was horrible with what his father did. He then had a 5 year grace period where he actually enjoyed his life before his mother was cruelly ripped from him by his dad.

Will felt more and more depressed as the day went by and the end lesson was to be held in forms before they left. Will sat at a computer looking through his emails and Liam and his gang walked into the classroom and two of them sat beside Will with Liam behind him. "Hey Will" Liam said quietly. "Where is your mum taking you over the holidays?" Wills hand clenched the mouse and Liam began to laugh "Oh yeah thats right. She wont be unless you can raise the dead!" Liam and his gang laughed hard and Will stood straight up and got into Liams face but the two boys at Wills side stood too and placed a hand on each shoulder. "Lets take this outside shall we?" Liam said with a smirk before nodding to his friends and they began to half drag Will out of the classroom and onto the piece of glass that sat in front of the building before slamming him against the wall. 

Will fought back to try to loosen their grip on him but they held him tight. "You know i find it funny that your family was ended by the father" Liam said as he pushed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I mean, its a bit cliche isn't it?" Will moved roughly.

"Shut up Liam" Will half growled but it just made Liam worse. "What was it little Willy?" He laughed "Daddy in the hallway with a brick?" That was enough for Will to yank himself away from the grip and jump on Liam before punching him. Wills fist it the side of his jaw and before he could take the next swing, Liams friends pulled him off and held him under the arms while Liam took punch after punch. Will grunted at every hit and spit blood when Liam split his lip. It kept going for a few minutes and Liam took a good kick to Will's ribs and he felt it crack. This made Will cry out and he was now in too much pain to try to fight the boys on his sides. 

Luckily for Will. his cry f pain was heard by the head of year and the head of sixth form who where in the offices which had windows that went out onto the grass. He caught a slight glimpse of Mr Headwich standing up to look out of the window and then running out of his door. 

"Hey!" the teacher shouted "Let him go" Liam stopped immediately and shouted "SCATTER" And the three boys dispersed leaving Will unsteady on his feet. Mr Headwich was by his side while Mr Winchester tried to catch the boys. Will wobbled slightly and he felt two hands on his shoulders. Mr Headwich was practically holding the boy up at this point but when he tried to get  Will to move, he wouldn't. In his ind he was watching his mother being killed and his father hurting Hannibal. Shaking his pushed Mr Headwich away before steeping forward and turning to him. Will had a black eye that had practically shut up and his nose was definitely broken. When Will opened his mouth, Mr Headwich could see the blood he had collected from either his split lip or loose tooth. Will didn't say anything and the teacher seemed to be too stunned to talk as well.

Will turned his head again a spat out the blood and the tooth which he now come completely loose and turned and began to walk home. "Will, Wait!" Called is Head of Sixth Form, who began chasing after him. Will ran. Only concentrating on the sound of his feet hitting the concrete and the blood pounding through his head. He slowed when he relised the teacher was no longer following and began to head home. When he got there he didn't bother to clean is face and simply lay down and began to cry. Allowing the blood and tears to stain sheets underneath him.

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