Chapter 31

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Hannibal walked through the doors of the Purple block part of the school and stopped for a moment to take in the noise emanating the new students and those who had been their the year previously. He never missed the noise that came for the large groups of excited people, he sighed and pushed his way through to the 6th form common room. He took a step to the side so he wasn't standing in the door way and he scanned the room looking for Will. He hadn't seen him since before Summer and was slightly concerned for his well being. He wasn't in the best shape last time he had seen him and hopefully he hadn't got any worse. Hannibal's eyes searched through the new students who would be joining them for their first year of A-levels and the familiar faces which he had seen the previous school year. As Hannibal scanned the room for Will, he noticed one of his old friends from his Secondary School. This boy was in the year below Hannibal throughout school but they got on quite well despite his somewhat disruptive behavior. 

The younger boy spotted Hannibal from across the room and jumped up waving. Hannibal gave a small smile and waved back before starting to move across the room towards him. The young boy moved forward as well and they met in the middle. Hannibal stuck out his hand towards the younger boy. "Hello Dean" Dean ignored the hand and pulled Hannibal into a tight embrace before letting him go. "Wow" Dean breathed "Long time, no see Hanni" Hannibal chuckled a bit while he straightened the deep green shirt he was wearing. "Well, I can see you sense of style hasn't changed what so ever" Dean said looking Hannibal up and down. "You can talk" Hannibal joked gesturing to his usual AC/DC tee underneath a blue plaid shirt. Dean smiled, rubbing the back of his head. "Well it was nice to speak to you again, man" Dean said "We have to catch up properly some time. Maybe you can tell me about the scar across you cheek" Hannibal brought his hand up to his face. He had forgotten about that. He nodded, flashing a smile, and then walked away. Before Hannibal left the room, he gave it another once over for Will, but to no avail. 

He made his way up to the form room and took his place at his usual seat. Slowly the room filled up with students and they all were talking happily about what they did over the summer and what the new school year was going to bring to them. Just before the first bell rang, Will walked into the room and sat beside Hannibal without a word. Hannibal didn't bother to take up conversation. In his mind, if Will didn't care neither did he. However he would still silently look out for Will, he couldn't help himself. He felt a special kind of bond with Will that he couldn't budge. Hannibal was still annoyed with Will for what he did after the incident, he had no reason to shut him out like that. Hannibal sat clicking his pen in annoyance while Miss Watson talked about getting personal statements for University. Hannibal wasn't interested in what he had to say.He already knew what he was going to medical school for five years to then take on 2 years of general training followed by a short 6 years in a specialist training course for Psychiatry. He was going to follow in his fathers footsteps.

The bell suddenly rang and snapped Hannibal from his train of thought. He realized he had lost about 20 minutes due to his thoughts and his new timetable had already been placed in front of him. He grabbed it and placed it into the back of his planner and shoved it into his backpack. As he was walking out of the class room, Miss Watson pulled him to the side. "Are you OK, Hannibal?" She asked in a calm voice "You seemed a bit out of it today." Hannibal flashed a smile before confirming that he was OK and left for his first period. When he left the classroom he realized he didn't even look at his timetable and had no idea where he was supposed to be. He pulled out his planner with a sigh to himself for how stupid he had been and looked at the timetable. To his surprise he had a free period first thing before a double bout of History. 

Hannibal decided to go up the 6th form computer lab above the library and start reading through the new text book which applies to his history lesson. When he walked through the door, he noticed Will was sat at a computer with his head phones in. He seemed to be talking on  the phone. This took Hannibal by surprise because of the way he laughed through the phone at who ever was on the other end, he hadn't seen Will smile like that other than when they were in deep conversation. Hannibal must admit he did feel a tang of jealousy but he pushed it aside. As he walked by, Hannibal took a quick glance at Wills timetable to see it practically empty beside Psychology and the odd history lesson here and there. He must have dropped multiple  A-Levels to have a timetable so empty and he noticed all the lessons he has matched Hannibal's exactly. 

This may be very awkward for them considering what has happened and the way Will was acting around Hannibal.

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