Chapter 35

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AN, Hello guys I am very surprised and just absolutely shocked by the enjoyment this story is making. Thank you all so much for your support and I am definitely going to continue this story!!!! THANK YOU ALL

Will finally shook himself out of the horrible feelings he had for young boy last time he went into a trance. This was 3 days later and he had been plagued with horrible nightmares where he would wake up soaked in sweat and shaking. Today was no different, well except the nightmare was completely different. He couldn't quite recall it though. He sighed as he got up and pulled the sheets of the bed with him to throw in the washing machine. All his clothes went in to and he walked. Naked, into the bathroom and had a shower. the hot water stung his clammy skin as he rubbed shampoo through his hair. He refused to let his mind wander so he thought about the happy times he used to have with his mum, his dogs, and.... Hannibal. His heart hurt when his mind wandered to him. He ached for Hannibal, wanted to be back in his arms, holding him like he wouldn't let go but Hannibal was gone. And Dean was the one to take him. Will had an uncontrollable feeling of jealousy and hatred towards Dean but deep down he knew that Hannibal was happy and he didn't want to take that away from him.  

He cleaned himself throughly before stepping out and shivering against the cold. he turnd his head to notice that he had left the bathroom window open and the cold winter air slipped through. Will moved to shut he window, slipping slightly on the wet tile, when he noticed a young boy looking into the window. Will stopped for a minute, taken aback by him considering, he was in the back garden and his dogs didn't seem to be bothered by him. Instead of shutting the window he rushed down the stairs with only a towel around his waist to get to the boy before they disappeared. He ran through to the garden and saw that he was alone. Will didn't know how the boy got in or out and he stood outside thinking but he suddenly felt the cold wind blow through him. Will went back inside, flicking the kettle on in the kitchen as he passed to go upstairs. He pulled on fresh pyjamas and made himself a hot coffee. 
He sat in the sofa for a while in silence, his mind trying to figure out who the boy was and why he was there but to no avail. Sighing, he flicked the TV on to the news and sort of half listened to it while grabbing his school books for the day.

" the Lector household" Will froze when he heard the end of the breaking news announcement. He snapped his head up with such force to face the TV, he had strained the muscles but instead of tending to his pain, he sat frozen looking towards the TV.
There had been a break in.

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