Chapter 18

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Will and Hannibal's first exam was today. They both had History. It was one of the two 2 hour exams and Hannibal was more than prepared for this exam unlike his now official (ish, not at school) boyfriend who had spent the last week procrastinating. They only had three hours to the exam and both Will and Hannibal had a the two hours before the exam in the same classroom. Hannibal decided that he had to help Will, but Will felt like Hannibal was patronizing him. 

"Ok Will, tell me about the Reign of Louis XIV" Hannibal said as he puled put his own mind map. Will groaned and dug though his brain to try to pull up any information in the subject. Hannibal could see Will was struggling and asked "Right, what about the development of Germany?" Will still brought up no information. Hannibal kept pushing and Will just could supply the information. Will began to get frustrated with Hannibal so he apologized and grabbed his bag and moved away from him. Hannibal; was shocked but left Will to his own devices and continued with his own work. The next time Hannibal saw Will was in the exam hall when they all took their places to begin the exam.

------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP------------------------------------------------------------------

After a grueling week of exam after exam, Will was happy that they were over and he could chill out a little but more. It also meant he spent more quality time with his boyfriend. Hannibal was happy too, not only because they were over but because Will has started to speak again. He seemed to shut down over the exam week and Hannibal couldn't blame him. It was stressful. On Saturday afternoon, while Hannibal and his father were going to pick up his mother, who Will had yet to meet, Will decided to take a walk. He felt cooped up over the past week so he just wanted to get out of the house. He walked along the serine river that flowed behind the houses in silence. He felt peaceful, and in this time of peace he finally decided to go back to his own home to pick up some of his things. Normally Hannibal would warn him not to just in case it was still an active crime scene, but Will didn't care. Not today. 

He approached his house and noticed that all the ground floor doors were sealed up with big wooden boards. The were no police or warning tape in sight. He gave a small smile and began to walk round the back of the house. He didn't want to go in through the front and risk looking like he was trying to break into his own house even though he technically was. He reached the back door and noticed that the grass was still at its usual short length, somebody had been cutting the grass. Will shook it off thinking that maybe a neighbor is being friendly and keeping it tidy out of respect. After prying the wooden board away from the backdoor and pulled out his old keys to unlock the door. As he stepped into his home he half expected to be met the the warm and welcoming smell of vanilla and clean, fresh linen but was hit with the unwanted smell of antiseptic. It was probably from the clean up team from the police that left the lingering clean smell. 

 He stood in his now pristine kitchen. Will stared at the wall for a short while just taking in the fact that he was back at home, he turned to look at the line of pictures that his mother always had lined up along the wall above the sink. He smiled as the memories flooded back to him from the pictures. There was one of him and his mother, him with his first bike, and him surrounded by his dogs. He picked it up and brought it close to him. Where were his dogs? He pulled out his phone and dialed for Agent Crawford because he was the last in the house so he should know. He found out that they had been taken to the local shelter. Will put the photo down and left his house with haste. He had to see his dogs and bring them back to him, if he could.

When he arrived at the shelter and approached the front desk he was met by a overly happy women. "How can i help you, dear?" She smiled. "I'm looking for my dogs" Will replied "Ummm, Agent Jack Crawford said they were here" She nodded and started typing away at her computer making oos and ahhs every now and again. Will started to feel impatient but didn't say anything. "Ah yes. are you Mr Will Graham" the lady said looking up at him. Will nodded as she got up and lead him towards the kennels were they kept the dogs. She pointed a the kennel closest to the window which contained 4 dogs, all of which belonged to Will. They feeling of guilt which hit him early when he remembered his dogs had lifted and his heart swelled up with happiness and love.

"The Agent told us to keep good care of them and didn't let them go until you had seen them." She said as she watched Will try to stroke his dogs through the metal bars which separated them from him. "Can i adopt them, please?" Will asked not taking his eyes off his dogs. He didn't want to let them go again. "How old are you honey?" She asked quietly. Will looked down. He knew he wasn't going to be old enough given that he was only 16. "16" He replied in a voice which was layered in sadness. She sighed "I'm Sorry" she said placing a hand on his back. Will nodded. "Can you let them out, or me in?" 

"Of course sweetheart" She unlocked the gate and let Will into the dogs. She watched as Will laughed and was jumped on all over by his dogs. She felt guilty for not allowing Will to tale his dogs. "You can take them for a walk if you like" She said while reaching for the leads they kept hung on the wall. Will felt happy and whole again. His dogs were his everything. Well apart from family and boyfriend of course. He walked them back to the riverside and let them off the lead to allow them to have a good run around and play. His phone buzzed from his back pocket.

H- Will where are you?

W- With my dogs by the river. Why?

H- We are back and were just wondering

W- OK, see you later

H- Love you x

W- Love you too xx

Will put his phone back into his pocket and called his dogs back to him so he could take them back to the shelter. He didn't want to but he knew he had to. As Will walked up to the grey shelter building he spotted Dr Lector and a tall blonde women stood beside him. "Hello Will!" He shouted as he gave a wave towards the young boy. Will gave a sort of half wave. He couldn't really move his hands to wave back. "Are you OK with dogs?" Will shouted back. Dr Lector and the women both nodded. Will walked towards them and let the dogs say hello to the pair. "Hi, I'm Will Graham" He said introducing himself to the women. She took the hand he held out "Isabella Lector" Will nodded and smiled. He could definitely tell they were related. It was her eyes and they way she held herself. She bent down to play with the dogs. As she ruffled the fur on their heads the women who Will met at the front desk came out holding a small clip board. 

"I see you know Mr Graham, Dr Lector" She said as he turned to greet her. Will didn't even care that they knew each other "I'm here to bring them back" Will said with sadness in his voice. "Nonsense, these dogs have a forever home now" She smiled, but it soon went when she noticed the frown on Wills face. He handed over the leads before excusing himself and heading back to is house. He walked with his hands in his pockets and head down as he walked down the side of the river towards his old home. When he got back he began to gather up some of his things. He took the pictures from the kitchen and packed up old knickknacks. He walked upstairs to collect an old duffel bag to put all his clothes in and he even unplugged his TV and PlayStation to take back with him. 

After he pilled everything up ready to go, he looked out of his bedroom window just watching what was going on he noticed an outline of a man watching the house from the corner behind a tree. It took Will a moment to actually realize who it was and when he did realize it chilled him to the bone. It was his father. His body filled with hatred and anger but he knew if he acted now, his father would know he was still nearby which would have put everybody who cared for him and who he cared about in danger. "No,no,no,no,no" He kept repeating to himself as he gathered his things and slipped out the back door. He made his way silently thought the back hedge so he could walk down past the river. He walking started to speed up out of paranoia that he may be seen and by the time he got back to the Lector household he was out of breathe. He walked into the house in a hurry, slamming the door behind him. He turned around to see one of the last people he expected to see stood talking to Isabella.


Bit of a filler, decided to bring hi dad back. What problems will this arise?

Who knows?

Cheerios Kiddos

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