Chapter 1: The Hospital

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Ok so this is my first true horror novel so cut me some slake

Darkness. That's all Jay could see, pure darkness. It sounded like he was underwater as well with muffled voices talking to him. "Stay with me!" An unfamiliar voice yelled "God there's so blood." Another voice said. Blood? Why was there blood? All Jay could remember was seeing Alex pointing a gun at him. Did Alex hurt him? Soon everything grew quiet once again.

A call was made to a near by hospital. A scared woman sobbed saying she found a man bleeding out in a room of a abandoned collage building. Ambulances were dispatched immediately and after they arrived they found the man to be Jay Merrick. The paramedics got him on a stretcher as quickly and carefully as possible and rushed him to the hospital.

After the doctors managed to stop the bleeding and got the bullet out from his wound they got the small male on a hospital bed with a IV in his arm and a heart monitor.

Jay's senses slowly returned to him as he lets out a pained groan. His pale blue eyes then fluttered open as he looks around at the slightly blurry room. Jay then worked on what the hell was going on, first he walked into the abandoned building, then he saw Alex. That's when it hit him like a ton of bricks. Alex was the reason he was in the hospital! He pulled the trigger! He wanted to end his life but failed. Jay was still alive and kicking even if he needed to stay in the hospital for a while.

While Jay pieced together the story a doctor walked in with a clipboard and pin in hand. "Oh Mr. Merrick! Your awake!" She spoke as Jay looked over at her. She had light brown hair cut into a bob, friendly light blue eyes, and a warm smile. Her name tag red Aala.

Aala then walked to Jay's side as she writes a few things down. "How are you feeling Sir?" She asked as Jay looked away slightly as he rubs his eyes "Am tired and my side kinda hurts. Heh I guess that's what happens when you get shot." Jay chuckles out halfheartedly as he lays his head back on his pillow. Aala wrought everything down as she nodded. "That's sorta good! And I think you can leave in a few days as well!" She chirped out as Jay perks up at that.

"Now do you have any close friends or relatives we can call to alert them your here?" She asked as Jay though for a second. Can't call Alex., that would give away he's still alive, he doesn't have Brian's phone number, Amy is probably dead along with Jessica. Tim! Yes he can call Tim! "T-Tim Wright." He spoke softly as he looks back at Aala. She nodded and Jay told her his phone number.

After leaving for a few minutes she came back "We called the number and we only got to voice mail." Jay frowned at this as he nodded in understanding. "But on the lighter side you can leave tomorrow!" She said trying to lift the mood. Ok that made Jay smile as he lets out a soft laugh.

After leaving to tend to some more patients Jay was left alone again. A wave of tiredness then washed over him as his eyes flutter close. Tomorrow he can see Tim again. It's just a day away after all!

First chapter wow! Sorry it's a bit short but I didn't know how to continue this chapter any further. Hopefully the next chapter is longer!

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