Chapter 14: Hostage

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A small beam of sunlight shone down on Jay's cheek, the warmth annoying him enough to wake him. He found himself in the familiar hallway of the abandoned hospital and dread sets it. Wasn't he in the hospital? How did he get here? All those questions ran through Jay's mind as he goes to stand.

Only to find his arms and legs where bound together with rope. The blood drained from Jay's face as he lets out a cry for help "Tim! Tim help!" That's when he heard footsteps and Jay perked up. But when he saw Alex he felt his heart stop and he tried scooting back.

Alex undeterred by Jay's panicking walked closer almost to calmly and kneeled down to his hostage's level. "Stay away from me!" Jay snapped before a piece of duck tape covered his mouth. Jay glared at Alex who smirked triumphantly "Now we just wait for Tim and Brian." Jay whimpered at that and Alex got back to his feet and turned to walk away.

Only to hear Jay's stomach growl, turning around he saw Jay turned away slightly glaring at the ground but it was clear to see his face was red with embarrassment. "I should've guessed." Alex grumbled as he left for a moment.

After awhile he returned with one of the white takeout boxes that restaurant give out for leftovers. Jay watched with curiosity while Alex opened the box. Inside was just some leftovers from IHOP. Alex then moved to remove the piece of tape only for Jay to jerk his head away. "Jay. Look at me." Alex commanded but was ignored.

After a few more commands going ignored Alex reached over roughly grabbing Jay's jaw and turned him to look at Alex. Then in one swift motion Alex ripped the type off and Jay yelped in pain. Jay then managed to jerk his head away once again as a bit of blood dripped down his chin from the cut on his lip.

"Open up." Alex said as he holds a fork with a slice of pancake on it, Jay however kept his jaw locked. What if it's poisoned! "Jay just open your mouth." Alex growled and once again was ignored.

Jay then found himself once again being grabbed by the jaw and looking at Alex again. "Jay Merrick. Just open your mouth and eat the pancake, it'll be easier on both of us if you cooperate for once." The way Alex spoke made Jay shutter as he finally listened and opens his mouth letting Alex feed him the pancake.

While feeding Jay, Alex's hand may have gotten a bit to close to Jay's mouth and he took the opportunity to bite his captor. Alex in response cried out in pain as he yanks his hand away as Jay spits out his blood with discus. "Oh you are so dead when Tim and Brian get here!" Alex snapped as Jay just smiles innocently.

"Their smarter then to walk into your trap." Jay finally spoke and he was right. The pair make a deadly team of the Totheark videos make it clear. "And lets face it, your nothing without that thing following you around!" Alex then got another piece of duck tape slamming it across Jay's mouth and this time wrapped it around the back of his head insuring that it's not coming off. "Your lucky I don't kill you right now Jay." Alex spat as Jay just glared at him.

Jay had definitely gotten bolder then his last encounter, he normally didn't fight back but would pick fights. Alex then stormed off leaving Jay alone once again.

He knew Tim and Brian will get him out of here and solve this whole problem. All he had to do is wait.

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