Chapter 13: The Cure

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AYYYYY I did some research and reviewed Marble Hornets and I think I know what to do now :D

"Now take a seat boys." Lydia spoke as she sat in front of Brian and Tim. The back room was dark with only a few lights, which weren't even lights, they where just jars with fireflies in them. The flashing on the small bugs made the room seem more off putting.

"Now you friend's name is Alex correct?" Brian shook his head at the question and Tim spoke up "No it's Jay." "But Jay isn't the one being followed." She had a point, Alex had been followed by the monster this whole time and only for a few months it turned its attention to him and Jay.

"I know if a way to rid yourselves from the Operator, but you may not like it." Lydia spoke softly and Tim leaned closer slightly. She took this as a signal to continue "There are two ways to banish the monster. One is for another monster to kill it, the other is to kill patient zero."

"Then we'll kill Alex." Tim spoke and Lydia shook her head "He isn't patient zero, not even I know who zero is. The future is clouded but I know ether path will end in death." Brian's face paled at the woman's words as Tim gulped a wave of dread washing over him.

"Now you two need to prepare for your rescue. I'll give you some supplies that will hopefully work against the Operator." Lydia then stood up fixing her dress before walking back to the main shop and to the back counter. She then pulled out a small box and opened it, inside the box was sage, sliver, and other items meant to drive away demons and monsters.

Lydia pulled out a bundle of sage, and two silver necklaces and handed them to the boys. "I don't know much on the Operator but I hope theses will help you both." She offers a small smile and Tim returned it.

The boys then left to prepare for the rescue attempt for Jay as Lydia stood motionless. She knew blood will be spilled no matter their decision, but she also knows that whoever's life is taken will banish the creature.

Ok a bit shorter then I intended but hopefully still good.

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