Chapter 8: Rude Awakening

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After playing catch up and trying to understand Brian with his limited speech, Tim and him where caught up on what's happening. Jay has been out for the entire time before Brian got an idea and rushed out of the room.

He returned with a small cup of water and Tim frowned slightly "Brian no." He reached the cup out over Jay's sleeping body "Brian." He started ripping it over "Brian I swear to god don't you dare!" Brian then tipped the cup completely and the contents spilled onto the sleeping Jay.

Jay instantly woke up freaking out from the cold water as he stumbles to his feet. "Cold! Cold! Cold!" Jay then install tugged off his shirt as Brian instantly hands the cup over to Tim. When Jay notice Tim instantly dropped the empty cup as he shields himself from Jay's oncoming tackle.

Brian stood back as the two sorta play fought seeing Jay can not punch correctly and didn't have the strength to do anything but small pats. Tim only laughed as he managed to block Jay's 'punches' till he gave up and was left shivering from the cold air hitting the soaked skin, hair, and remaining clothes on.

"You done Blue Jay?" Tim chuckled as Jay nodded "Yes and don't call me that." Brian snicker at the two as he sat down on the floor while Tim got a spare shirt for Jay. Jay instantly puts it on as Tim laughed softly seeing his shirt was slightly bigger then Jay's size.

Tim then sat down in front of Jay as the then spoke "So how did you get away from Alex?" Jay frowned slightly as he shrugged his shoulders "I have no idea, all I remember after getting shot was someone finding me." He rubbed his side slightly as Tim nodded in understanding.

After a while of awkward silence Tim spoke "Well we can't just sit around. We need to make a plan to stop Alex before he hurts anyone else." Jay and Brian nodded in agreement. "But for now we need some sleep. It's getting pretty late" he stated glancing at the clock that red 11:49.

Brian instantly when for the spare room Tim had leaving Jay and Tim alone. "Wait where am I gonna sleep?" Jay asked looking over at Tim as he shrugged "I only have one spare room so you can ether sleep with me or on the couch." Jay's face heated up at Tim's first suggestion before nodding "C-Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked as Tim chuckled "Sure it shouldn't be a problem."

Jay smiled as the two got ready for bed and crawled under the covers. Jay tried his best to make it as non-awkward as possible for both him and Tim before sleep over took the two.

Only thing is the next morning it's definitely going to be hell for everyone.

YA NEW CHAPTER! To be honest I had a bit of trouble with this seeing the new Zelda game is out and my mind as been flooded with Prince Sidon and a backstory to a new Oc of mine! (Whomayormaynotbeazora) I'll try getting the next chapter out sooner though!

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