Chapter 12: New Upload

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Tim woke the next morning to Brian shaking his shoulders with a sense of urgency "Brian? It's nearly 6 in the morning." He groaned out as he turned to his side in bed. A voice then shattered the silence "To the ark." Tim sat up instantly as he looked at Brian who had a bit of a grumpy look on his face. "What?" "To the ark." Brian the pointed at the open laptop he managed to save from the fire with YouTube already opened on the new video of the channel Totheark.

Tim got out of bed in a flash and clicked play in the video. It was general Totheark video style but he could clearly see someone being carried off towards Rosswood at dark. Tim's brow furrowed when text flashed on the screen reading 'save him'. "Save him? Save who I can't see who that is." Tim frowned before the sound of the motel phone ringing startled both him and Brian.

Tim easily answered and before he got the chance to say hello a panicked Aala spoke "Jay is missing! The security cams malfunctioned last night and when they came back on everyone was knocked out and Jay was gone!" Aala sounded to be in tears as Tim spoke "What? But h-! Kralie you little- I got to go" "Tim wait!" Click, Tim hung up and was getting together some things as Brian tilted his head.

"Brian come on! We're going to Rosswood." Tim said and Brian nodded waiting for Tim to rush out the door. Once he did Brian picked up the phone and dialed the Hospital's number and Aala picked up "H-Hello?" She sounds to still be on the brink of tears "Jay?" "What?" "Jay." Aala sniffles as she tilted her head "Who is this?" She asked and Brian chirped out "Brian." Aala sighed in relief "oh thank god it's you, but please tell Tim not to go after that man! Their's a weird dark aura that follows him! Just go to my old friend Lydia, she should know what to do." Brian nodded in understanding and chirped a small "Ok." And hangs up the phone.

After getting his crutches Brian hobbled after Tim who was waiting in the car. Once inside Tim started the car up and drove off towards Rosswood. While drawing Brian spotted a physic shop with the same of the person Aala spoke of. Brian pointed at the shop and Tim tilted his head slightly "Hmm? What is it?" Tim asked with a tilt of his head "Aala." Brian said flatly as Tim pulled over to the curb.

Both men stepped out of the car and after paying a parking meter a few quarters Brian dragged Tim to the physic's shop. "Brian why are we here?" He asked with a cock of his eyebrow. "Aala." Brian repeated and dragged Tim inside.

Inside the small shop was the normal things in a physic shop. Playing cards, magic kits, things like that and instantly Tim wanted to leave. Brian however kept a firm grip on Tim's wrist dragging him along through the shop.

"Hello there." Chirped a lazy voice of a female behind the two and both men spun on their heels to face a woman standing at 5,10. She had short, bouncy black hair, pale skin, and dark freckles. Her eyes where a dark green that had what seemed to be a calming effect but the strange thing about her was her attire. She wore a dark purple Victorian era dress with shimmering gold lace. "Aala sent you didn't she?" She asked and Brian nodded slightly. "You've come to shop my friends. I'm Lydia the local physic." She gave a small bow as she introduced herself.

"Brian what's going on?" Tim asked but before Brian can open his mouth Lydia spoke "Aala sent you because of your friend correct?" Brian nodded as Tim frowned his brow "How do you know this?" Lydia just smiled innocently smiled "I know a lot of this Tim." Tim felt so off before Lydia motioned for the boys to follow her to a back room "Come we have much to discuss about the monster that follows your friend." The boys hesitantly follow and disappeared into the back room.

Ok I have a smol announcement. On The Run is gonna be on hold while I do more research on the Operator for further chapters. I will be working on a new book so hopefully I can keep this creativity streak.

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