Chatper 3: Babysitting

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This might be short but cute.

After getting a cast on Hoodie's leg Jay gave his mask back and rented another room in a nearby motel. Right now Jay was looking over his new camera as Hoodie watched Jay with much interest, well from what Jay can tell. He then pressed recorded as he sets the camera up where it caught the whole room. Hoodie tilted his head to the other side as Jay narrated to the camera explaining what happened over the past few days. Hoodie then used the crushes the hospital gave him and mobbed closer trying to grab the camera only for Jay to try and hold him back.

"B-Brian no! Leave the camera alone!" Jay huffed as he pushes Brain back slightly who then sat down on the bed next to him and crossed his arms in a childish manner. Jay chuckled softly at that before he stoped recording and worked in uploading the video to his channel after a few edits. Maybe Tim will see the video, or someone much worse then a angry short man. Alex Kralie.

Jay was willing to take the risk as always as he uploads the video. Jay then sat next to Hoodie as he sighs softly. "Do you happen to know where Tim is?" He asked as he looks over at the masked man who shook his head no. Jay frowned at that before staring up at the celling. He had to stay as low as possible and keep his location a secret the best he can. Not doing that is what got him shot in the first place after all.

Might as well find something to pass the time right? Sitting up Jay then grabbed the remote to the tv in the room and flipped to some random nature documentary about Africa or something. Hoodie tilted his head at this before reaching for the remote carefully stealing it from Jay who stared at the tv screen.

That's when the channel switched to The Amazing World Of Gumball as Jay jumped at this. Hoodie snickered before looking back at the tv smiling ever so slightly under his mask. Jay laughed softly with a small shake of his head before watching the children show with him.

Hoodie was bouncing ever so slightly as he hums the shows theme song. Jay found this pretty cute as he then started recording. Hoodie was completely obvious as Jay laughed softly, maybe he should upload this.

After a while Hoodie noticed as he instantly tries snatching the camera from Jay who held it just far enough away. Jay was laughing pretty hard as Jay kept the camera away as long as he humanly can while Hoodie crawled over Jay slightly in his quest to snatch the camera.

Hoodie frowned under his mask as he soon gives up and sits back on Jay's lap who closed the camera and finally stoped recording. Hoodie refused to move though as payback something Jay completely accepted even if it cut off circulation to his legs.

After a while of watching Cartoon Network jay noticed Hoodie was dosing off as the smaller male leaned on his shoulder slightly. Jay laughed softly at this as he spoke softly "You tired Bud?" His replied as a small nod as Jay then laid back letting Hoodie lay across him.

Once Hoodie was finally asleep Jay managed to pull his mask off thinking it must be a bit hard breathing with that thing on. He then set it by his camera on the nightstand along with his favorite hat.

Sleep met Jay pretty easily as the first view reaches entry #81 to some pretty shocked viewers.

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