Chapter 5: Awkward Breakfast

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After patting down Alex for weapons and finding a pocket knife, he quickly locked them into the safe in his hotel room and Brian poked the sleeping male's cheek. "Don't! You'll wake him up and that's the last thing we need." Jay was panicking to say the lest, not only did he have to look after Brian who's not in the right mental state right now but he now had to look after a man who tried killing him!

Jay huffed as Brian stared at Alex's sleeping form. Jay caught onto this as he runs a hand through his hair "Here help me move him onto the bed. The chair can't be that comfortable." Brian then instantly got up and helped Jay move Alex onto the bed. Surprisingly he was easy to lift but then again Brain was helping.

After getting Alex into the bed Jay instinctively pulled the covers over him as Brian tilted his head. Thank god the room had two beds. That's when Brian heard Jay's stomach let out a loud growl making him wince. He then limped over and starred at Jay who shifted uncomfortably "What?" Brian then poked Jay's stomach making him jump. "A-Am fine Brian!" Brian frowned as he crosses his arms.

After a few moments of staring Jay gave in "Ok fine. Am hungry and haven't eaten for three days." He's then smacked in the back of the head from Brian before taking his hand and dragging him to the lobby of the hotel to get him something to eat. Before Brian could get Jay out of his room he clung to the door frame "N-No! I'm not going out there! I can't leave Alex alone and you can barely walk! And it's kinda hard to leave you two alone together." Jay had a point. He's seen the Totheark videos and their hatred to Alex and leaving a Totheark member with him wouldn't be a good idea.

Brian huffed as he then limped over to the empty bed and sat down. Jay frowned as he runs a hand through his hair "Ok I'll get us all some food but only if you don't mess with Alex. Deal?" Jay then reached a open hand out and Brian shook it sealing a deal. "Ok I'll be right back." With that he rushed to the lobby with a key card in hand.

Once in the lobby he saw the free breakfast thing they where doing where you can make your own waffles and perked up slightly. He loved waffles when he was small and he bounced over. Choosing his batter mix he pored the batter into the waffle iron.

The first waffle turned out half backed (I feel his pain) and decided that one was is. That's when another male in the lobby noticed his problem with making the waffles and walks over. "You need some help Monsieur?" He asked with a French accent, Jay jumped in surprise as he turns I face the Frenchman. He was extremely tall standing at 6,11 ft, sorta long gray and brown hair, and pale skin. His eyes where also a hazel color but the one eye was a bright blue. Jay gulped as he shook his head slightly "I-I'm fine thanks though." Jay stuttered out as the man frowned "You sure Monsieur? I used to work at a cafe in my hometown so am really up to help."

Jay declined politely again and made a somewhat perfect waffle for Brian. The man nodded in understanding before going back to making his own breakfast. Once Jay made Alex's waffles he managed to hold all three plates and headed back to his shared hotel room. Once at his room he somehow got the door open to see Brian waring his mask again while staring at Alex who was still out but not for long if his tossing and turning was evidence. Jay huffed as he quickly sets the plants down and that caught Brian's attention as he walks over grabbing a plate. With Brian distracted Jay worked on waking Alex up gently poking his shoulders.

"Alex come on, you gotta get up." Jay spoke softly as Alex responds with a soft groan. Jay kept trying till Alex's eyes flutter open as he sits up with a loud yawn. Jay backed away as the taller male grabbed his glasses and puts them on "What happened?" He asked as he glances over at Jay before freezing at the sight of Brian. Jay gulped as Alex slowly got to his feet as Brian tilted his head "Alex it's ok! He's not gonna hurt you." He spoke as he stood in front of Brian who went back to his waffles.

Alex just glared at Brian as Jay stood his ground "Alex listen to me. He's not going to hurt you! I should know seeing I had to look after him for a few days!" That's when Alex spoke "How do you know that? He could be pulling a act." Jay knew the dangerous of that but he trusted Brian. "I would know. There's not vary meany places to hide stuff in here." Alex huffed as he ran a hand through his hair.

Giving in Alex grabbed his own plate of waffles and sat down in the chair in the corner of the room. Jay huffed as he grabs his waffles and took a bite on the half baked batter. Brian finished his breakfast first and when to staring at Alex who ate slowly. Alex squirmed in his seat uncomfortable under Brian's gaze as he shifts his own gaze away. Jay smirked at that as he soon finishes his own plate and sets it down on the nightstand. Alex after a while finished his plate and nervously placed his plate on Jay's as Brian shifted closer.

Alex backed away as Brian smiled under his mask as Jay sighs. This is gonna be a vary long day.

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