Chapter 10: The Hospital Again

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"Where's Jay!?" Tim yelled as a few firemen held the angry man back from the wild flames "Sir please calm down, we're trying to find him." One man said as Brian watched from a distance while paramedics tend to his black eye, cuts, and bruises caused by Alex who had escaped.

"Over here! We found someone!" A man yelled from the burning structure and a few firemen rushed to his aid. Tim felt his heart drop when they carried out an unconscious Jay with burned clothing and camera bag hanging at his side. "Jay!" He yelled and nearly elbowed the man holding him back as they rushed Jay to the ambulance.

Once the paramedics got Jay onto the stretcher they got him in the ambulance and the two boys got into the back. Brian kept his gaze away his eyes dark with fury towards Alex while Tim held Jay's ash covered hand. "Jay I swear if you die I'll kill you." Tim choked out as the ambulance sped down the road, sirens blaring.

Once at the hospital the paramedics got Jay to the emergency room and had Brian and Tim wait outside. They were left to be questioned by a few officers about the fire. "Do you know who started the fire?" The officer asked and the two nodded "Yes, an old collage friend named Alex Kralie. He's been after us for months trying to kill us." Tim stated as the officer nodded. "Can you give us a description of him?" Tim nodded and gave all the information of what Alex looked like last time he saw him.

Once all that was done the officer thanked them and left. Soon a nurse walked to the two "Your friend is going to be ok but he has to stay here for a few days." Tim sighed in relief as he nodded "Oh thank god." Brian smiled softly as he nodded as a small thanks and the nurse left.

The hours passed and soon Jay woke up in a familiar hospital room. After regaining his memories of the fire and the events leading up to it a familiar doctor walked in. Aala looked at Jay with shock before speaking "Mr. Merrick? What happened to you?" She asked as she made sure he was comfortable in the hospital bed "The man who shot me tried burning my friend Tim's house down with us in it." He explained as Aala nodded in understanding. "Hopefully the police will catch him." Jay nodded at that statement and soon Tim and Brian were allowed to come into the room.

"You scared me half to death Jay! I though you died for real this time!" Tim barked as he held Jay in a tight hug. Brian was also in the hug but was a lot more gentle then Tim. Jay chuckled as he welcomed the hugs "Am ok Tim. I just got a few burns it's not like I've been shot again." That made Tim's grip tighten slightly.

Brian then got a small smirk on is face as he looked at both Jay and Tim. He then pushed Tim's face closer to Jay's and both boy's faces turn a bright red. Brian had pushed Tim a bit to close to Jay and the two's lips had connected.

Tim's eyes widened in surprise as well Jay's before Jay's eyes fluttered close and leaned towards Tim. Tim did the same as Brian snickered softly, just then Aala walked in "Ok boys I found a motel near by an- aw!" Aala gushed at the two before they pulled away from each other blushing wildly. Brian then burst into laughed as Tim shot a glare at him.

Aala giggled before continuing with what she was saying "Now I found a motel near by for you two, it should be safe being next to the police station. If you ever need help just come over here or to the station." Brian and Tim nodded before being ushered out seeing visiting hours is over.

Once outside the hospital Tim playfully punched Brian's arm earning a snicker. The two then made their way to the moral Aala spoke of and soon found it. They easily got a roomed and could sleep peacefully for once knowing Alex wouldn't be dumb enough to attack them when their right next to a police station.

Ahh Jam my old ship you have returned XD

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