Chapter 2: Released

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The next day came by quickly as Jay walks outside of the hospital waving goodbye to Aala who waved back. Well Jay's car is back at the collage and god knows he's not going back their. Might as well try again to call Tim. Pulling out his phone Jay dialed in Tim's number and waited.
One ring.
Two rings.
Three rings.
"Hello?" Jay smiled brightly as Tim's voice but that smile quickly faded "Am not here right now so please leave a message." Why did Tim have that sort of voicemail? Jay hung up as he stuffed his phone back in his pocket. Welp looks like he's walking...Yay.

Jay walked for what seemed like days before he he saw the remains of what looked like a horse or small motel. It brought back some unpleasant memories from them the whole mess started. This maybe explains why Tim wasn't answering his phone. He could maybe had been staying at that motel but with so meany motels he couldn't be sure. Jay then dug his phone out of his pocket and tried calling Tim again. Still no answer.

Jay then walked back to the collage his legs aching all the while. Well at lest his car is still here. As jay looked around he spotted Tim's car and a small glimmer of hope sparked inside of Jay. Maybe Tim isn't dead! Maybe he's still alive! Jay then rushed to the abandoned building he was shot in as he searches for Tim.

Jay searched through every building unable to find Tim. All the hope Jay had of finding Tim alive was diminishing as he walked into another building. That's when he saw a splatter of blood on the floor right by a ledge like window. "What the..." Jay whispered to himself as walked towards the splatter. What ever happened it was bad and Jay knew it.

Jay then noticed the trail of blood and followed. The trail of blood led to a random room with the door slightly ajar. Jay gulped as he walks inside and looked around the disheveled room. He then wondered around before noticing a hollowed out desk. Something about it was off and Jay knew it.

He then opened the door shielding the inside and peered in...almost to instantly get punched in the face by a gloved hand. Jay yelped as he fell back holding his cheek as someone shifted inside. The small male then noticed the other door closer to the person inside. He then carefully pulled the door opened and had to drag out the hooded figure out from the desk.

"S-Stop it!" Jay studded out as he dodges punch after punch. After a small struggle he managed to pin the man down as he squirmed underneath Jay's weight. After a while Jay noticed the pain hisses every time the man tried moving his leg. Jay frowned as spoke "Is something wrong with your leg?" He asked as the man known as Hoodie tilted his head. Jay then hesitantly lets Hoodie go who then sat up.

After a moment he nodded. "Can you walk?" Jay asked as Hoodie shook his head. Jay frowned at this before he got a idea "ok am gonna pick you up ok?" Hoodie replied with another nod as Jay then tried picking up the slightly shorter man.

With a little bit of trouble Jay managed to pick up Hoodie and started to carry him outside the building. He held Hoodie much like a child would hold a giant teddy bear as he walked to his car. Setting Hoodie down as he pulls out his keys and unlocked his car. When he looked back Hoodie was trying to stand up witch Jay quickly supported him "H-Hey! Carefully bud!" Jay shuddered out as he keeps Hoodie on his feet before trying to get him in the car.

Hoodie rolled his eyes h set his mask as he easily gets in the car and buckled up. Jay then closed the door and got into the driver seat. Once buckled he started the car and started driving to the hospital he left. Once Hoodie realized that he tried escaping the moving car making Jay drive slower in fear of Hoodie jumping out. "Hey hey! It's ok! I know a person that can help with your leg!" Jay tried comforting Hoodie as he shook his head.

Jay huffed before pulling over making sure the child locks where on before turning to try comforting Hoodie. After a while Jay managed to convince Hoodie to go to the hospital and resumed their trip.

Once in the parking lot jay pulled into a empty spot and stepped out of the car. "Ok first, you can't go in with that mask on." Jay stated as Hoodie shook his head no. Sighing heavily Jay tried reaching over to pull the mask off "I can't have them thinking your a serial killer!" Hoodie's only respond was to smack Jay's hand away.

The next few minutes consisted of Hoodie slapping Jay's hand away and Jay's determination to take the mask off. Jay flinched finally succeeded and gasped in shock of who was under the mask. Brian Thomas a old friend he lost a few months ago when he cut off contact for no reason! "B-Brian?" Jay whimpered out in shock as Hoodie tried snatching the mask back.

Jay kept the mask away before Hoodie gave up crossing his arms. Jay frowned slightly before stuffing the mask in his sweater pocket and helped Hoodie out of the car. "Come on Bud. We need to get you some help." The two then made their way to the front doors of the hospital together.

Jay though wanted answers and wanted so badly to catch up with Brian. Maybe once they settle down in a motel they can play catch up.

Wow this took a while to write. Hopefully we can see Tim soon though ;)

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