Chapter 6: Entry #82

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The rest of the day consisted of Brian staring at Alex making the man uncomfortable. Jay did try to stop it only to get stared at as well before he gave up. Right know Alex was trying once again to escape Brian's gaze pacing around and trying to ignore him.

Jay snickered as Alex glared at Brian with irritation. That's when Alex reached to where he had his knife but only grabbed free air, Jay just smirked. Alex growled as he then glared at Jay who was working on editing the next entry. "Where's my s\$@< Jay?" He asked as Jay's smirk widens. "I have no idea." Was his response making Alex stride towards him. Brian just watched knowing he could step in at any minute as Alex pinned Jay down again the bed sheets.

Jay squeaked in surprise as he stares up at Alex. "Where are they Jay!?" Alex snapped as Jay wriggled in Alex's grip "I told you I don't know!" Alex huffed before looking around spotting that after entry #81 another was posted but Jay didn't upload it. He quickly released Jay and snatched the laptop clicking on Entry #82. Tim was the one to upload it saying that who ever uploaded Entry #81 had a pretty sick mind.

Looks like he doesn't believe Jay or Brian was in fact alive. He then stated that he'll delete the entry when he found the time to and the video ended. Jay didn't know how to feel, he's happy seeing Tim is alive but at the same time sad that he didn't think he was alive.

Brian though perked up at the sound of Tim's voice and rushed over to the laptop wedging himself between the two other males. "Tim." As all he said as he looks over at Jay. That's the first time both he and Alex heard Brian's voice in what feels like forever!

Alex was a bit weirded out before making an excuse to escape the hotel room and quickly ran back to his car. Jay after watching Alex leave looked over at Brian "We'll find Tim. I promise." Brian's eyes seem to light up under his mask as he bounces like a toddler making Jay laugh.

Jay then got to work making a new entry in response to Tim's. Jay spoke saying that it really was him and he's alive along with Brian who waved at the camera. Once done he quickly edited and uploads the video.

Next Brian and him need to relocate thanks to Alex somehow finding them. Jay got his things together and helped Brian to his car and pays for the room they stayed in. Brian bounced in his seat as he allows Jay to take his mask off "Ok new rule. We go out and the mask goes off. Got it?" Brian nodded as the two buckled in and started driving to the next motel or hotel.

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