Chapter 15: Softer Side

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The days had passed and still no Brian or Tim. Jay was starting to lose hope and Alex his patience. Jay hadn't eaten anything in the past days ether seeing the duck tape stayed firmly in place.

Jay felt weak wanting so badly to just go home, to escape all the pain in the past year. His heart jolted when he heard footsteps and got an idea. What if he played dead? Maybe if he pulls it off just right Alex will let him go! Jay then lets his head lob forward and he held his breath.

When the footsteps stopped in front of him he heard his captor kneel down and...set something down? Alex had brought something to eat for once and when he saw Jay playing dead (pretty convincingly) he almost forgot about it. Alex then raised his hand up placing it on the side of Jay's neck to fell a pulse. After a second he took his hand away and sighed. "Jay I know your alive." Darn it. Jay then took a needed breath as he opens his tires eyes.

Alex then took his knife giving Jay a small shot of adrenaline before he cuts away the tape around his head and for once pulled it off gently. Once the tape was completely off Jay moved his jaw slightly trying to regain feeling in it. He didn't speak though knowing his mouth could end his life if he says something wrong.

Alex then reached over to the takeout box and opens it, this time some waffles were inside and were still fresh. Jay's mouth watered slightly at the smell, he then watched Alex reached over getting a piece of the waffles on the fork it came with and held it up to Jay's mouth.

Alex didn't even need to say anything as Jay opened his mouth and eagerly bit down on the fork. After a while Jay finished the waffle as he shifts to lean back against the wall while Alex left to throw away the now empty takeout box.

After a while Alex came back to see Jay now passed out and snoring softly. Alex couldn't help but smile before leaving once again to take care of somethings.

When Jay woken a few hours later he notice he wasn't in the same room as before, the current room he was in was a bit more burnt from the fire that made the place abandoned and it also had a working door. He also noticed his arms and legs where free and he got to his feet in a flash.

Jay then rushed to the door trying to open it to find it's locked and there's no windows in this room ether. Jay was left in a room with no escape unless if Alex walks in he can slip out.

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