Chapter 4: A Call

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I have no idea where am going with this.

Jay was awoken by the soft ringing of his phone. It was around eight at night leaving it hard. He and Brian must have been sleeping for at lest four to five hours! Groaning softly he managed to slip out from under the still sleeping Brian and grabbed his phone.

Answering the call he instantly grew pale at the voice on the other side "Merrick?"

It was Alex.

Jay stayed silent out of fear as shivers go down his back. "Jay I know your there! Answer me!" Alex snapped making Jay flinch slightly "Why are you calling me?" Jay finally asked his voice laced with venom. "First your somehow alive and second why are you helping a member of ToTheArk!?" Alex growled as Jay's heart sped up. "His leg was broken Alex! I couldn't just leave him back at that building!" Jay whispered yelled as Brian lets out a soft groan. "Now I got to go. He's gonna wake up soon because of you." Before Alex could even respond Jay hung up.

He can't worry about Alex right now. He has to worry about Brian. As Brian awoken Jay laid back down with a soft yawn. Brian tilted his head slightly as he stares at Jay who was now trying to sleep. God Jay looks adorable when he sleeps. (It's so true).

Meanwhile a few miles away Kralie stared at his phone with a frown on his face. How the hell did Jay survive and why was he helping that...that thing!? He knows that it's Brian under the mask but Brian isn't Brian anymore!

He knew he should have shot Jay in the head but thanks to his kinda terrible aim he only got his side. Sighing heavily he stuffed his phone in his pocket and watched the newest entry to Jay's channel trying to locate where the cameraman is.

After rewatching the entry multiple times he couldn't figure out where he is. Might as well drive around to see if he can spot his car in a motel parking lot or hotel. Getting up he rushed to his car making sure he had everything he needed and got into his car.

He drove around to every motel and hotel in the area. No sight of Ja-wait. There he be! Alex slammed on the brakes earning a honk from the car behind him as he quickly pulls into the parking lot. He spotted Jay still sleeping in his room with Hoodie watching him rest. Alex quickly typed down his address and got out of his car.

The tall man then rushed inside and to Jay's room. He realized he didn't have his pistol but that didn't matter, he couldn't get away with shooting Jay in such a public place. He knocked on the door hearing Jay groan in response. After a few moments a tired Jay opened the door rubbing his eyes "What is it?" He asked before realizing Alex was standing right there.

Jay then slammed the door shut and locked it before Alex could open it. "Jay open the door! I just want to talk!" He yelled. It's true he did just want to talk but Jay obviously didn't believe him "Yeah right!" Jay came back as Hoodie tried hiding somewhere in the room. He really didn't like conflict!

Alex huffed as he then sits down in front of the door and waited. They could hold up inside forever. Jay knew this and stayed in his room. After a few hours Jay opened the door to a now passed out Alex. Jay raised his eyebrow at this before poking Alex's cheek. No response besides a small twitch.

Hoodie tilted his head as he limped to Jay's side as he tries picking up Alex. How can someone so thin be so heavy!? Hoodie then tried helping and two managed to get Alex onto the bed. Jay huffed as he looks at the sleeping male.

What has he gotten himself in to?

Jay what have you gotten yourself into XD well am starting to run out of ideas so any suggestions?

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