Chapter 17: Free For Now

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Jay just kept running through Rosswood in fear of Alex following him or worse, that thing that follows Alex around. His legs felt like they were on fire when he finally collapsed in a familiar part of Rosswood. It was the trail that Alex and him walked a few months ago.

It felt like forever since he's been on that trail. Once Jay regained his composure he shakily got to his feet leaning in a tree for support. Jay then started looking around for any sign he's been followed since now he barely has the energy to even walk. The forest was silent other then birds chirping and crickets singing their lullabies.

Once Jay came to the conclusion he hasn't been followed started walking down the back towards the parking lot. For once he can actually enjoy the forests peacefulness even though he knew this forest was beyond strange. Rosswood has so many secrets in Jay's eyes and to be honest, it scared him. There might be other monsters beyond the tree line, some might be more terrifying then the thing following him and Alex.

He can't worry about it now though, worrying would just get him panicked and that can get him in even more trouble then he's already in. Jay sighed softly as he walked down the path soon reaching the open parking lot. The easy part is done with walking out of Rosswood but here comes the hard part, walking back to town. Rosswood isn't exactly near any towns in fact it just takes a few hours to even drive to the park! Jay could practically feel his feet ache at the thought of that.

Well he needed to get back to town and so far this is the only option. Jay then started walking down the road wanted to get to town as fast as he possibly could. Maybe Tim and Brian will drive down the road and see him?

Hours soon pasted as Jay sat by the road under the shade of a tall pine tree, so far no car had driven down the road and it was once again growing dark. Jay stared up at the sky for a few second before he felt something graze the back of his head making him jump to his feet. When he look behind him he saw a little blue jay perched on a low hanging tree branch right when it started chirping.

Jay just stared in a bit of confusion before the bird fluttered off to another tree before fluttering back a few moments after now facing Jay. He just sat there confused before the bird flew past him grazing the back of his head again "Ok ok am moving!" Jay said with some annoyance as he got back up and started back down the road.

Another hour passed and Jay was just about to collapse under another tree before he heard what sounds like a car driving in his direction. Jay perked up immediately as he looks up and down the road before spotting the car and thankfully it looked to be Tim's car. He then watched as the car pulled over, the door opening as Tim rushed out tackling Jay in a hug "Oh thank god your ok!"

Tim's only answer was a light punch from Jay "Where were you!? I was stuck at that hospital for days!" Jay barked as Tim was taken aback, granted he did deserve that punch seeing he did take a bit to long. Jay waited for an answer and when none came he crossed his arms "Am done with all of this, and this time am really done." He huffed keeping his gaze away as Tim frowned.

"Jay look am sorry I shouldn't have taken so long I-" Tim was then cut off by Jay yelling "I could have been killed! Alex could have killed me when he realized you weren't gonna show up!" Jay now had tears in his eyes as he quickly blinked them away. Tim then closed his mouth as Jay continued "Just take me back to my hometown. I want at lest another shot at a normal life."

Tim then got back in the car as Jay crawled in the back seat with the hood of his sweater pulled over his head. Brian was in the front seat and wisely didn't say or try to get the attention of ether of the males knowing that now they both must be in a sour mood. Tim then pulled back onto the road and turned around driving to the town he first met Jay at.

Seeing they where in the literal middle of a forest and Jay's hometown must be a day or two drive away so maybe those two will make up...Hopefully.

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