Chapter 7: Not So Warm Welcome

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The two drove for days looking for a hotel that's both common and somewhat safe. Jay was what kids call sleep deprived as Brian gets plenty of Zs. While driving Jay couldn't help but notice Tim's doctors office. That's when he got an idea!

What if Tim's at his house! The setting in Entry #82 looked like it! He then started towards Timman's house as Brian slept. When he spotted Tim's house he saw his car was parked in the driveway and his smile grows. Brian stirred awake when the sound of the car shutting off woke him and looked around with curiosity before being replaced with excitement.

Brian quickly got out of the car followed by Jay as he rushed up to the door. Once Jay was at his side he knocked a few times. Silence..."Who is it?" Tim's voice could be herd as Brian smiled brightly. "It's me. Come on open up." Jay spoke using the same line from when he tried fighting Tim only to be zip tied. (Favorite entry right there) Tim instantly opened the door as he stares in shock at both Jay and Brian.

Only to slam the door in their faces.

Both Jay and Brian looked at each other in confusion before Jay spoke "Tim?" Jay then tried the door nob only for it to jam. Locked great. Brian the walked a bit down the house's edge while Jay tried his best to try and get Tim to open the door. "Tim come on. I get shot and this is the welcome back I get?" Jay's voice had a bit of heartbreak in it as he stares at the door. He always thought Tim would stand by him but then again he's supposed to be dead. The man then pressed his forehead against the door letting his eyes fall shut.

That's when the door was open letting the off guard bird man fall inside with a soft scream. Instead of Tim opening the door it was Brian with a innocent smile on his face. Jay then got up and walked inside spotting the open window Brian got in through. "Oh yeah. Kinda forgot you broke in a few times." Jay rubbed the back of his head before Brian limped over to the couch and sat down.

Jay then got to work looking around for Tim. He searched everywhere but the bedroom and still no sign of Tim. With some hesitation he walked towards Tim's room only to be met with a fist. Tim always punched hard and this time knocked poor Jay bird out.

Tim's heart was pounding as he looked down at the unconscious man. He couldn't be Jay, he was shot and killed well from what he saw from that type. Brian then looked down the hallway and saw Jay laying on the floor and limped closer. Ok Tim could understand Brian surviving seeing his fall wasn't that far and he had something to prove it was true. His cast that was still wrapped around his leg holding his healing bones in place.

Brian tried his best to help Jay up as Tim backed off "Brian. That can't be Jay...right? I mean he was shot in the stomach!" Brian rolled his eyes at Tim before motioning to Tim to help him. Tim did and managed to get Jay on his soft bed. After that Brian found a pen and paper and wrote down what happened over the few days and handed it to Tim. He read it over and nodded in understanding "So it really is Jay?" Brian answered with a nod.

Jay then lets out a soft groan as he shifts slightly in the bed and his arms wrapped around Tim's waist seeing he was right next to sleeping man. His face turned a soft pink before managing to escape Jay's grip as Brian snickered softly.

The two now can only wait for Jay to wake up and it could take from ten minutes to a few hours depending on how hard Tim punched him. Time to place some catch up!

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